) What is shoveling?
Answer:Lifting the player off the ground and put/throw him out of the ring
2) Why are you against shoveling?
Answer:Shoveling looks like cheating as you are lifting the person,thus not allowing him to do anything.
3) Why are you not against shoveling?
Answer:Challanging shovel is a good practice to improve your aikido skill
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
why is it annoying

its annoying in the same way that toobing in fps is annoying
its not called a noobtoob for nothing

its an easy way to get an average score. requiring minimal experience or skill.
people also get all pissy when you beat them with it.

but its part of the game, i can personally dislike someone for shovelling or toobing without actively getting pissy over it
Last edited by BenDover; May 16, 2012 at 08:55 PM.
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Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Hard to counter? LOL! It's one of the easiest things in the game to counter.

Bullshi*. You've probably never faced an advanced shovel.

1) What is shoveling?
I consider shovelling to be a lift in the very first frames and pushing your opponent out of the dojo without giving him a chance to land on his feet.
2) Why are you against shoveling?
Well it's just a lame move...Gives you a huge advantage and is hard to counter. When your opponent goes for it every single time, it's just annoying.
3) Why are you not against shoveling?
It's quite a challenge to counter it. Always fun to test your skills.

And for those who say that only people that cannot counter shovels are against it...I'd like to see you getting shovelled and countering it, especially when it is a duel or something like that...It'd be very interesting to see how YOU would react.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

1. A tori lifting uke and shoving him out of the ring using combined force of legs and arms.

2. I'm not.

3. If there is something which keeps a newbie playing this game, it is shovelling. I know how much excited I got when I made 13 streak using shovel. If I didn't make that streak, I wouldn't have been encouraged to play.

Besides, I can counter it effectively so it doesn't bother me. In fact, it grants me another win.
I'm not saying it's hard to counter but you don't start off every game ready to counter a

shovel. You assume he is somewhat good at the game.

I never really liked it, I don't like taking easy ways out of things.
1. Lifting your opponent out of the dojo.
2. Im not against it. If you're against it you shouldn't be playing akido.
3. Easy to counter, fun to use on jackasses.

People complain about shovelling and kick lifting when they are the only things you can do in akido, therefore they are jackasses, so you should shovel them.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
1) What is shoveling?
I consider Shovelling to be an easy way to win the game. Shovelling is an early frame move, which alows the opponent, to throw/push the other player out of the Dojo. Shovelling is also classed as a noob move due to most beginners use it.

2) Why are you against shoveling?
I'm against shovelling because I think that when players shovel it lowers the other players advantage of winning. As you may of all witnessed shovelling is quite hard to counter unless you have the ability and skill. As for those to reasons i'm not really against shovelling.

3) Why are you not against shoveling?
The reason why I'm actually not against, shovelling is because it can also be tranferred to another moves (eg:Kick and much more).
Shoveling is an act of forcing the opponent out of a dojo.

Once you are lifted into the air, it is very hard to win the match in small-dojo aikido.

However, it is very easy to prevent getting lifted so I have nothing against it. The people using it are belly-button penetrating noobs, though.
1) A cheap tactic to win used by the unskilled

2) Because it takes no skill and makes the game extremely boring, especially in duels.
P.S I IP ban all shovelers.

3) I'm against it.
I'm ok with shoveling, there's the Pro way to shovel, or the noob one, I'm ok with shoveling just as long as people dont use it in the tourneys, people rage and demand their TC back from the 'noob shoveler'.

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