I want apps which show that you put some work in it. Apps like your one are made in 1 or 2 minutes and without any effort. No from me.

Hi my name is Danny, I'm 14, but for my age I'm very mature, and I also speak German a little. I'm a 2nd dan black belt I'm slowly making my way to 3rd dan because I mainly just spar now. I'm good a a various range of mods such as xspar, taekkeyon, graykido, abd, aikido and jousting. My forums activity is about 7-8 and my in-game activity is 7.5-8. I would like to join Diamonds because it seems like a great can that knows exactly how to be a clan, also because it's very active and I need and active clan to join because if there is no activity, then there is no fun. I would also love to help the clan become official and help is win more clan wars so we can be number one!

In my spare time I practice tricking in free-play, mess around on Photoshop to see what I can make, or simple just play multiplier or another game.

I have included some replays below.
Attached Files
Great abd.rpl (77.0 KB, 6 views)
Dj - MEANY won't die! kf.rpl (757.4 KB, 5 views)
Dj - Bit of everything.rpl (237.3 KB, 5 views)
Dj - Decap head kick.rpl (74.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Hivid; Apr 3, 2014 at 12:11 AM. Reason: Adding banner.
[AC] Assassin
I don't have the permission to vote but I'm just saying you probably made it fast, you have alot of text, all things we need to know about you included, but your English isn't very good... (not saying mine is perfect.) So there are 3 things possible;
1 you just made some typos
2 your English grammar /spelling sucks
3 jou wanted to join us so bad that you types fast, forgot grammar and made some of typos and didn't even take time to read the app to see or you got typos.

Just attending.
Im now talking about it like It's horrible, but when I see bad English (meaning its worse than mine) I just want to say it.
Last edited by zwouter; Apr 2, 2014 at 10:55 PM.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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Originally Posted by DJTurn3r View Post
I would like to join Diamonds because it seems like a great can.

Yes, we're a great can. Can of soup, covered in diamonds!

I think you might be autorejected, though. (No Picture.) :c
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
I say yes. Although there are a couple grammar errors, I genuinely think you have potential, as this is one of the few apps that reach the success criteria, other then the picture requirement, but I don't think that is too important. You may edit it and insert the pic.

Zwouter, your reasons are a bit invalid, since you only mention typos. Not every one speaks great English.

So yea, yes from me!
How do you kill one with no life?