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How would you change Toribash? Over 1 million TC worth of prizes!


How would you change Toribash?

Hey there. I'm quitting Toribash, and therefore need to find a home for all my items and TC. Due to my failure to sell my account, I've decided to host this event.

The aim of the event is to detail how you would change toribash if you were put in charge for a day. You need to identify the areas that need improvement in the game and the forums, and address them in your own work.

I want to let your imagination flow, so you can enter in any way you want. You can create a piece of art, write an essay, design a mod ir maybe even make a model. the choices are endless and I can guarantee I will make it worth your work. Who knows, maybe even the developers could learn from your ideas

The prizes

This event has perhaps the biggest prize pot ever in toribash history (correct me if i'm wrong!), with over 1,000,000TC overall being given away, via items, sets or just TC.

1st prize - 600,000TC

2nd prize - MY INVENTORY (worth around 500k)

3rd prize - this texture set and this head texture. (head made by zanzaba <3, set made by me)


No plagurism (copying other people's work)
My decision is final on the winners

This competition will end in two weeks, good luck!

Last edited by BirdFlu; Nov 17, 2009 at 07:30 PM.
Quit, probably.
my outher idead would be a server where the pm team can ahat about the future n stuff

but i like my 1st idea =D
so if i would be ruler of the toribash i would make customing toribash (forum and shop etc) possible. my point is that you can custom normal forum to look like you want to
(numbers in picture are one in below)
Toribash forum edit.jpg
1. backround
2. place and color of the (shop, market, mods) bar
3. place and color of notices board
and everything you want
(i didnt edit it in picture because i suck at art)
i think that it would make all those who like editing happy.

so thats it i will edit this post if i upgrade this idea or add some new ones.

(ps if someone have suggested this in suggestion board or anywhere else im sorry if i stole your idea)
Toribash is a wonderful game, it's innovative, challenging, fun for all ages, and best of all: free. Toribash breaks the rules of gaming by

being fun and unique without being produced by some huge company or having millions of kids who play it and line up outside of game

stores just to buy it. But unfortunately like all videogames it does hit a bump in the road here and there, which is why I would like to point

a few things out that I would change if I were in charge.

A big problem with toribash multiplayer is that when you're in a server the wait to get in a fight can seem like it takes forever. And this

doesnt get any better when people start to get draws. A draw is when two players have the same score or dq at the same time in a

match, when this happens, instead of one of them going to the back of the line, they both get to play again. This can obviously be

frustrating to the people waiting in line, especially if they are playing a mod where the matches last longer than normal due to more

frames. So imagine how mad they get when someone tries to draw on purpose. Of course this is hard to do in mods like Judo or Aikido,

but in a mod with a greater starting distance like Wushu, it is easy for one or both players to move in the wrong direction or not move at

all to avoid fighting, which then leads to a draw. They can do this repeatedly without consequence, which is why I would make it so that

whenever two players draw, instead of playing again, they both go to the back of the line. But because some mods rarely have draws, I

would make it so this rule only applied to official mods with greater starting distances. And to make sure people can play how they want,

it would be able to be turned on or off in private rooms regardless of the mod. Having this feature would make waiting in lines go by faster

and reduce a lot of frustration.

One of the fun things to do in toribash in challenge people to duels. A duel is when two players go to a private room and fight eachother

for money or items. But a problem with this is that sometimes the losing player might not want to give up his hard earned cash and try to

leave without paying up, which leads to the other player reporting him and takes up the time of admins who have to deal with these

problems. This is why I would add a new feature, one that lets you place bets in game. The in game betting would work like this: One

player challenges the other to a duel, the other accepts and when they go to the room the person with control could make the room

recognized as a duel room, which would change a few things. Firstly a small box would appear where each player places their bet of

either tc or an item which is then placed in the pot until the duel is over, secondly the room would be automatically made private so that

anyone that joined could not interrupt the duel. And thirdly you could change the amount of rounds being played. The duel room would

recognize each win and then know who the winner is, it would then transfer the winnings and turn back into a normal room. Also, if one

person decides to leave because they are losing or simply have to leave they forfeit and the winnings would be automatically transferred.

This saves time for both the players and the admins and prevents greedy sore losers from sneaking away with their cash.

One last problem I would like to adress is scamming. Scamming is when people say they will give you an item after you send them x

amount of tc, and then dont give you the item or vice versa. This is done easily because trading amongst players is always done manually

and many problems can ensue, which is why for my third change to toribash I would add an out of game trade system where you can

arrange to trade with other players, similar to the duel/bet feature I talked about earlier, each person would log in to the website and go

to the trade area where they enter the names of the other person and are redirected to a trade window, this would be pre planned by

each person most likely in the forum where people sell items. Once they are both at the trade area they would see eachother's names

and a 'tc amount' and 'item' slot. Then they would place in their items/tc and when the other person placed their items/tc you would be

able to view it and if both players agreed they would press a button which then automatically swaps the items. I realize that is probably

hard to understand in writing so I will upload some pictures later if I can to show what I mean.

Conclusively, I believe these three changes I talked about would make Toribash much more user-friendly and reduce a lot of common

frustration. I realize those things arent easy to do, but if I were in charge for a day I would do my best to make them happen.
Last edited by 7861; Nov 2, 2009 at 02:13 AM. Reason: wall of text

NOTE: I do not understand how game engines work, and I do not know how to mod and create scripts and stuff, so some of these ideas may not work.

Section: Multiplayer

I would make a multitude of changes to multiplayer if I could.

For starters, I would bump up the amount of TC earned in official servers by 5. Judo = 15TC, TwinSwords = 15TC, Aikido = 20TC, etc.

I would also give the loser in a match 5TC, just for trying.

Quitting in the middle of a match should also have a negative effect on the quitter. For example, if someone leaves an official Judo server three times in a day, right in the middle of a match, he should be banned from official Judo servers for, say, a week or two.

^^^ Same thing with Force-Spectating yourself in the middle of a match, and then immediately Force-Entering yourself right after. ^^^

There should also be some kind of bonus on weekends or holidays, sorta like the Double EXP weekends on Halo 3. For example, all official servers should have 25TC per win on weekends or holidays. On holidays, there could also be some collector's items one could get by winning a certain amount of matches, or just an increased TC earning amount. Special holiday tourneys with special prizes could be hosted or scheduled by Promo-Team.

A working friend/buddy list feature should be implemented to help strengthen the Toribash community.

A 256 x 256 head texture feature could be implemented, possibly with an item similar to ToriPrime.

PS: Special items that can be bought and give an advantage should not be implemented. It's just way too unbalancing, and an uber-cheap tactic to help prove that rich people can win at everything.

Section: Achievements
There should be some incentive to earning achievements (besides a warm little feeling inside your heart). Something similar to Gamerscore could be implemented (maybe?), or at least some TC or Qi as a reward.

There should be way more achievements, and maybe a group of users/staff that create achievements (the A-Team?).

Achievements should mostly have a description that describes how to unlock them.

Achievements should be a new menu option (say, right between Multiplayer and Fight School?) and should be properly built into the Toribash client. Properly, as in not like the broken Torishop.

If achievements are to be built into Toribash, there should be a pop-up (or something of the sort) to notify progress and/or achievement of an achievement. Maybe a message in the server chat in green text saying something like: [PLAYER] has unlocked the [ACHIEVEMENT NAME] achievement!

If more achievements are to be added, then around 45% should be forum-related, while 35% should be Multi-player and 20% Single-player.

Section: Joints
Last edited by GuardianDuo; Nov 6, 2009 at 02:54 AM.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
What I would do..

Ranking System:

I notice there are some who hold a few different ranks and so the colors of their names are not always uniform. I would create definitive colors for rank names. Ranks that govern the others will have unchanging colors. Sure you can be a part of the Mark Squad, but if you're a higher rank then your name should only be the color of that higher rank.

Let's make it organized. Put the name(s) of your rank under your name in the forums. Perhaps under your custom member title.


The default text size for posts is a bit small. I'd bump it up a size, perhaps half a size.


Move Presets (non-competitive):

Sure, replays are great for saving moves and such, but they aren't the most efficient way to practice and remember moves you create.

To save the setting to a move, press M and a screen will come up asking you to name your Move Preset. Once you do this, you may access it any time in Free Play by typing the combo "/m [name of preset here]", for example.

This allows for easy and quick access to your own moves. You will NOT be able to use this feature in Multiplayer as it would create an unfair advantage.

Mod Previews:

We click "Mods" and what comes up is a very, very long list of mods - many of which we don't even want to try. I suggest creating a Preview option so we don't have to Load every mod whose name seems to peak our interest. One could click Preview after choosing a mod and the background screen would show the setup.

This would be a nice time saver.

Refined Ghosts:

Your ghost shows more than a turnframe-worth of movement. Let's make an option to choose exactly how long a ghost preview will last. This will let us know more accurately or quickly what we're doing.

This would be useful for Multiplayer. Set your ghost to last the exact turnframe time and you'll be able to see exactly how much you will move rather than too little or too much.

Theme Music & Sounds:

Now, music is my thing. If I could control Toribash for a day I would write a series of different background music themes in a heartbeat. This would play consistently in Multiplayer with a Toggle On/Off option. Under Options you could choose your own theme.

Sample Music (opening screen for example): http://www.musicuploader.org/uploade...1257725798.mp3

Regarding the in game sound effects - I like the choking and crunch and yelp-like noises that can emanate from our Toris. But let's make it customizable. Create a range of choking noises. Instead of a randomly yelling Tori, let's be able to choose a short phrase from a list under Options (ex. "gah" "whoa" "ahh" "bah"). We could create a MIDI voice or even record someone making the sounds.

Glitch Fixes:

I'm not a programmer myself, but if I could rule over Toribash for a day I would definitely try to get some techies to see what could be made more efficient - what codes are overcomplicated and why are there the occasional glitches. No game is perfect, but without its glitches Toribash would be quite an even more impressive game.

More Free Play Things:

Trying to avoid suggesting already suggested things, I would like to see a rewind option not for replays but for when you're playing in Free Play. You should be able to set it to a certain number of frames, of course. Instead of going back to your replay to change things, you should be able to change things right as you're doing them. So I suggest this rewind feature for Free Play.

Next, I really would try to start developing some kind of single player/campaign-like game. Free Play right now is basically for trying out mods and practicing moves and movement. It would be an infinitely more interesting practice to fight against predetermined difficulties of Ukes. And the idea of a storyline or even level advancement in this way is exciting. - more to come on this section


- Implement a simple report system for Multi chat to cut down on spammers, etc.
- Create a few more rooms for each belt range to cut down on room clutter.


It's time for something different than a plain white background. I know this would be a big step for everyone and much less plausible for programmers. But it's time to add real background scenery to Toribash. This would also go along with the idea of levels. Advance a level, fight a new Uke bot and arrive in a new place. Here are some quick examples I created:

Last edited by lt7pt3; Nov 15, 2009 at 04:04 AM. Reason: Final entry
i would give people the ability to whisper from across servers, it is a simple idea, but one that i think tb needs.

another idea that i would love to have is: the ability to brake objects judging on where you hit it and how you hit it
Dot dot dot
I realy like this competition so here is my entry:
-textures and the items are overpriced ( 240 k for a void blood is a lot of money) The person who downloads Toribash reads free so... There is only one way to earn so much money: buy them from some tc seller or buy directly from the game...
I don t think that when one reads "FREE" knows that sooner or later for to move forward will have to spend money from a credit card or to be considered by all noob.
-To low (always if possible) the resolution of TB to get the shader. I know i don t have an awesome computer but I would always like to have the shaders to do even small things (video, images, etc.).
-Re open the toriwiki because it is truly very useful for the beginners.I have used for about a week after they closed.
-To try to solve some problems in game: lag or some bug.

FINISHED I hope to have made the center...
list of stuff:
breakable bones
dismembered parts are permanently relaxed [option on/off]
injuries: each joint and bone would have an amount of life; the strength could be altered in the options
add environment joints and thrust in worldbuilder
freefloat comera [f to turn on/off]
joint textures
more realistic range of motion; i.e. to twist your arm, you would click on a ring below your elbow which works in a similar way as the joints (hold, lax, rotate clockwose, rotate counterclockwise)
breakable grab
friend roster
tori-global chatting
auto-win by death; i.e. if a player gets 100k points, they win and the other player is "dead" (death threshold set in options)
[more soon]
If I were in charge of Toribash for a day.
An entry for a competition by Rustler.

If I were in charge of Toribash for a day, I would make Nabi focus on main needs like bugs, glitches, suggestions and problems. Like for instance, We've seen people design custom relaxes and forces, so why not let them have that? It would add so much to a set.(Custom Relax example below.)

I would also make them focus on fixing replays because sometimes, the game will screw up, and the replay will break and miss a part. Of course, who could forget "lovely" quitters, I would make that if during a game, you quit in the middle, the system subtracts a game from your belt, which means you have to play another game just to get that point back. If I were in charge I would also implent hats, now I know what your thinking,"Hats? Are you crazy?!". But here is how it would work, the hat design area would be a box around the tori's head, but this is just the workspace, the bigger the object is around the box, the higher amount of damage it would take.

(Quick sketch I made, Just imagine the box a bit bigger.)

I would also have an award system for achievements, basically for the amount of games it requires to get that belt, that much TC you get. I would also remove pure and chronos usertexts because well....they're annoying. The physics engine is great, dont get me wrong, but it has flaws, I'm pretty sure you cant fly 30 feet in the air using three jumps. I would also add hair...because everyone seems to want it, and....it is pretty cool.
Fourm Suggestions :

If I had the ability to change the fourm anyway I want for a day, I would add a weekly music track, members would post which song they want to put on the first page of the fourms then other members would vote if they want that song. Of course there would be some rules in this, for example nothing too inapropriate, sure we have the ability to use curse words but still, we dont want to hear the same curse used thirty times throughout the song. I would also add an ability to search up someone's inventory to see if they actually have that item, this would lower the amount of scams, giving more time for Nabi to actually focus on updating and futher designing the great game.

Thank you for reading and considering my entry, Rustler.

Last edited by Rustler; Nov 2, 2009 at 09:25 PM.