Originally Posted by Fee View Post
So, you're basically saying that if any average person starts playing mainstream music they automatically have the talent to become a successful artist? Just because you strive so much to be an individual that you refuse to see any talent in mainstream music, when some of it is rather good. You really are rather arrogant, if you think that your music taste is better than others.

I never said my music taste was any better.
'Making it' has nothing to do with talent, it's 100% marketing. Why do you think American Idol etc winners get a #1 song? Marketing.

Originally Posted by Marco View Post
M0o: Most of Slipknot's members are extremely talented at music, so many other bands try and copy them but are unsuccessful because they aren't as talented. You can't be so arrogant as to say they have no talent.

I said that every human being has talent. As someone who has spent a large amount of time in conservatoriums etc I can honestly say that there are a LOT of normal people out there with more talent, skill and musicianship than slipknot.
Last edited by m0o; Nov 11, 2009 at 06:43 PM.
More to the point, I'd say 'screaming'. Slipknot wouldn't be the same if they just stopped with that vocal sound. If you don't like it, go for Stone Sour, the band Corey started with.
If there is no talent to market, no producer would produce the music for the band.

EDIT: NinjaFee strikes again.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Holy shit! You have to have something to market which is musical talent.

Originally Posted by Marco View Post
If there is no talent to market, no producer would produce the music for the band.

EDIT: NinjaFee strikes again.

Ok go, make an argument.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
What? I'm not here for the sake of arguing. I'm here because you are clearly wrong.


Pick one