K,I have no Idea.
I wont be able to be there,
So,Do whatever u want.
I just dont pay if u guys lose (And I'm pretty sure u wont lose)
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
We are talking about virtual money..don't be misers=P
Btw we already send a pm to Norf for ask to put 100k instead of 200k and to posticipate the war 'cause can't be done today
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Ok,here the facts..
Impro don't want to bet less than 200k.
That was their challenge and to us decide if accept it or not.Just i want to let know to all that we won that war in a bad way(with a run in the decisive match),so in this challenge is in bet our reputation.
Personally i think 1-we have nice chance to win 2-i prefer to lose 1 million of tc than to give to others nice reasons for let they think that we are noob/pro
So now say what u think about
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still a NO from me
damn we are pirates
reputation counts nothing to me
if someone bets that much tc for one tiny war there is a plan behind it
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
I care if everyone start to think that we are a clan of runner 'cause u run and 'cause whe don't have the ball to bet some stupid virtual money
If you want to play to be pirates..don't tell me that u have fear..

Only thing there are behind their challenge is their volition of revenge for had lost in an horrible way
Last edited by bRuCiA; Dec 18, 2009 at 03:30 PM.
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so you wanna go there set our hole clanbank and may loose it to look brave`??

it tell you what that is

why risk everything?
we can do matches like that when our clanbank says 1kk
not when it say 200k
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
well the point is do we think we are better than them or no - if we think we are a strong clan the WAR, if we think we are mediocre or noobish then lets just crawl under a rock and hit and run new clans for 5-10k
- and 200k is shit - if everybody put 50k in bank we would have had 1kk, not that hard to earn 50k, and this clan exists a while now - so what does that mean - little of us care about it - I know a few are poor - but all are not - and only 6 of us donated, maybe something to think bout - I know we all need tc to look cewl - but do u put that before standing up to a challenge?
anyway I say war 200k - only to agree on mods, and that is almost done - if we lose ok - than everyone needs to chip in to raise the bank tc again, if win nice.

bTW: I ask all of u (who have not donated) to put at least 20% in the bank - there was talk when I joined - all will put 50% of earnings in bank - who did?
Last edited by missuse; Dec 18, 2009 at 04:32 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
That's a really good pointS.
-Start to donate something to the bank,the u can talk about the tc that are in it.
If there are more than 200k in the bank the merit is all of Missuse(for his incredible precious work in the market),Niko(the only one who donate when there was the 100k free..he is the only who take it?)and Sluthead.
For the rest everyobody have full text,lot of colours but i can only see a 0 near their name in bank thread.
-Are we a "clan war" clan?We born also for this reason?So can we run in front of a war?Until now we fight(for tc)only against clans that,without leave nothing to them,honestly can't compete with us..

Then let me know this..me,neon and athens make this clan for be the richest or the strongest?
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