Belt: (black)
Active In-Game: pretty much everyday xP
Active On Forums: everyday as well
Favorite Mod(s): AIKIDO
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): ive been looking for a decent clan for a long time
Recommended - By Whom (If Any):None yet :s
Tested: No, but anytime is good. GMT.....not sure.... i live in cali so idk
ill get doom to test you, pming him right now, hes the aikido tester.
also sorry about the horribly long delay, school = projects, projects = waste of time, waste of time = inactivity
oh lol, this is c4mp4, forgot to logout :3
Nickname:Star or Delta
Belt: (Must be Black Belt or over):2nd dan black belt
Active In-Game: Yes/No/Sometimes: Yes
Active On Forums: Yes/No/Sometimes: Yes
Favorite Mod(s): Aikido, Wushu
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): I was recently in the clan UTD and realised they werent doing anything about being official... so i want a clan that is alive and nice people. This one seemed to fit perfectly
Recommended - By Whom (If Any): Noone
Tested: Yes/No (If No Then State When You Want To Be Tested (GMT)): Yes and i am in GMT+10.
Nickname: darkAssassiN3
Belt: Black
Active In-Game: Yes
Active On Forums: Smetimes
Favorite Mod(s): Wushu Aikido Classic Instagibfeet
Reason For Wanting To Join: I need a clan
Recommended By: Doomdrone
Tested: Yes
Belt: 2nd Dan
Active In-Game:yes i am active ingame
Active On Forums: everyday as well
Favorite Mod(s):Kickboxing
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): it seems liek an good group
Recommended - By Whom (If Any):Not yet
Originally Posted by darkAssassiN3 View Post
Nickname: darkAssassiN3
Belt: Black
Active In-Game: Yes
Active On Forums: Smetimes
Favorite Mod(s): Wushu Aikido Classic Instagibfeet
Reason For Wanting To Join: I need a clan
Recommended By: Doomdrone
Tested: Yes

recomended by doomdrone ? i'll ask doom if he realy recomended u before i can say anything.
I changed the application form slightly, from now on please add the name of the person who tested you under the "Recommended/Tested - By Whom (If Any)" section.
And also:
StarDelta: Accepted
darkAssassiN3: Accepted
xr0flx: Accepted

- adding you guys to the members list in the [DSC]
Please post in the "[DSC]Drones (Revamped)" Thread, found in the Clan Discussion section of the forums.
I will PM DoomDrone to tell him to add you to the social group
Welcome to Drones
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Belt: 2th Dan (whit experience of 4th Dan)
Active Game: Yes
Active Forum: Yes
Favorit Mod: Judo, dethudo, running
Reason for wanting for join: I think this clan have much spirit =)
Tested: not yet ...
Nuestra recompensa se encuentra en el esfuerzo y no en el resultado. Un esfuerzo total es una victoria completa.
Belt:orange used to be 2nd dan if dont believe me ask dbzball
active:on every day
favourite mod:judo,akido and akidobigdojo
reason:want to make friends and support clan
hi all
Last edited by wv9; Dec 10, 2010 at 07:15 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump