Originally Posted by Kuo View Post
There is no reason for a death penalty. As said in then article murder is done in the heat of passion which shows that the person that took that life did so with out thinking. There for should not deserve to be killed. A life sentence is fine enough.

I think that if one takes many lives that this penalty should take place seeing to how he will already have a life sentence. This is also fair cause even though it was heat of passion he still took the lives of a persons loved one so should be punished equally.
No one should deserve to die. The article clearly states that murders do it in the heat of passion and do not think about what they are doing.
There is no reason for anyone to have there life taken from them.
There is also the chance that the murder is not sane and may have done this out of anger towards some else.
Originally Posted by Tempor View Post
No one should deserve to die. The article clearly states that murders do it in the heat of passion and do not think about what they are doing.
There is no reason for anyone to have there life taken from them.
There is also the chance that the murder is not sane and may have done this out of anger towards some else.

Not all murders are done in the heart of passion. Serial killers? Cold, paranoid, even calculating, they take time and plan their murders and then get off on reliving the murder over and over. Serial killers are caused by psychological disorders, and people with disorders that progress to killing definitely have something wrong with them, it is slim to none chance that a (psycho) murderer can be facilitated back into someone normal with no threat to society, the death penalty is a quick smart move. It just cuts your losses, moral implications aside, many countries already have a large deficit and investing in a plague such as criminals is insane. I support the Death Penalty, at least in serious cases or insanity.
Serial killers? Often deluded and mentally ill or scared. In short, society failed them.
It seems immoral to punish someone who did what they did because society did not do its job.

We have mental health treatment facilities, we have doctors and hospitals and treatment centres. There is certainly no need to execute someone just because they are insane.

When God failed his creations, he killed them. I don't think we need to emulate this behaviour in killing those that are ill and we did not try to save, or did not try hard enough. Unlike the biblical story, mental illness is containable and sometimes curable.

(inb4 someone says Hitler killed the mentally ill)

EDIT: Also to note, the US is more or less calling for Assange to be executed, although it has been proven that he has broken no laws (both by the AFP (Australian Federal Police, Assange is an Australian citizen after all), and by various US teams), so essentially he will be tried under the patriot act, which basically says "if we don't like you we will execute you, or lock you up indefinitely". Execution for 'political crimes' is NOT ok.
Last edited by Gorman; Jan 12, 2011 at 08:25 AM.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
The Death Penalty

Death Penalty has taken the lives of over 49,000 People around the world. Some countries including the U.K. Canada, and Australia have taken charge and no longer use this way of justice. In China over 5,000 people were executed in one year. Eleven people were found not guilty AFTER the execution.

Texas executed a man named Tom Willingham for starting a fire killing three of his own children. After the execution the government denied the facts of it being entirely accidental. Tom Willingham accidently killed three of his children, and to make matters worse he was executed of committing the crime. Do you think that this was fair? Or How about Jonathan Hoffman he was convicted of murdering a jewelry storeowner. The key witness Johnell Porter lied in court and stated that it was ™Jonathan. This was a false statement and he was merely trying to get back at his cousin for stealing money. Jonathan was sentenced to death row and executed.

The governments view at the Death penalty is entirely Hypocritical. They kill the killers, doesn’t that make themselves the actual killer? They are taking the lives that they swore to protect under oath. So do you think it’s time to stop these Hypocritical brutes, Or just watch them kill there own people?

From my 8th grade debate essay.
My view on death penalty is purely pragmatic. What is the cheapest way to remove these people from society? Is it to kill them, or keep them locked up? I must say I have seen different sources give different figures. Suffice it to say, I'll side with best figures.

As for the whole butthurt retribution/vengeance aspect: I don't care for it. From my perspective people (like anything else) are products of their environment. Some products happen to be highly hazardous. I don't yearn for any criminal (no matter how twisted or cruel) to suffer more than is necessary to promote collective safety and well-being.
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 12, 2011 at 09:41 PM.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
My view on death penalty is purely pragmatic. What is the cheapest way to remove these people from society? Is it to kill them, or keep them locked up? I must say I have seen different sources give different figures. Suffice it to say, I'll side with best figures.

Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Actually it is more expensive to execute someone than to keep them alive in prison.
In order to execute someone you first need to put them through 10 years of appeals, which takes a lot of money and a lot of time (10 years of time actually). You think 10 years of food costs a lot? How about 10 years of lawyers. Oh, and that isn't "1 lawyer", because the majority of the time the state has to pay for the lawyer of the convicted too.

Besides that, think of prisons like Angola, completely self sufficient; they don't cost the taxpayer a dime. (Good luck convincing someone on death row to farm food btw)

When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
My view on death penalty is purely pragmatic. What is the cheapest way to remove these people from society? Is it to kill them, or keep them locked up? I must say I have seen different sources give different figures. Suffice it to say, I'll side with best figures.

As for the whole butthurt retribution/vengeance aspect: I don't care for it. From my perspective people (like anything else) are products of their environment. Some products happen to be highly hazardous. I don't yearn for any criminal (no matter how twisted or cruel) to suffer more than is necessary to promote collective safety and well-being.

I tend to agree with this.

Cite facts. The amount to keep someone in prison ranges from $20k to $80k depending on the level of security. A quick google search and the average of the results of the first few pages supports this. Commit murder in Australia and you're looking at a minimum 12 years in jail. $240k - $960k. In murder cases, the brunt of the cost is in the hands of the defense, not Regina, and would never cost more than a million dollars.

@The idiot earlier that said in 5000 cases in China or something, 11 were later proven to be innocent. The death penalty therefore has a 99.88% judicial success rate, even going by your own skewed data.

My case;
The way I see it, including the other arguments I've already put forth, is this. The second you murder another person (not in wartime, obv.), you relinquish your own rights to live to the State.

I don't give a shit about the deterrent argument either. The death penalty won't stop anyone for killing another person once they've already set their mind to it. People kill out of 3 reasons, passion, compulsion and insanity. In passion there is no forethought, they don't even think of consequences. In compulsion, the killer can't stop, even if he wants to. And insane people are simply insane.

The death penalty should be enforced to remove the worst of the scum from the world. Murderers, and only murders, should be put to death.
As Cesare Beccaria said:
"It seems stupid to me that laws, that are expression of the public volunteer, that hate and punish omicide, commict another crime to make people not do other omicides."
This is my opinion too and I disagree with the death penalty although sometimes it must be used.