Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Edited a users qi by accident a few times, coupled with silly mistakes in TC/item management between users. Managed to rectify stuff before anyone noticed most of the time. Why they ever trusted me with TSA is beyond me.

When I helped Fee fuck up his account that one time, that was silly.
I won 250k from a zouph tourney, I bought an 87500tc flame that was invisible and a gave the rest of the tc away.

God I'm an idiot.
I apologise for this post.
when I was going to quit like 1-2 years ago I sent all my stuff and TCs to random persons.
half a year later I started again.
Getting all the texture templates because I thought textures were free
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
When I made a video for a compo only to have it blocked by Youtube instantly. :/

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you