gah hampa should just put the old trade market back but with item exchanging TT__TT
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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still confused what i dont get is how do you kno if u got the item and why does the price range so differently when the quantity sometimes stays the same?
Originally Posted by VeroX View Post
Tepster, Those are answered in the tutorial, fucking read, also, nice bump >_>

Oi oi, no need to be mean, just say "read again." And bump doesn't matter, resurrection for good isn't bad at all.
i can't transfer any items from my inventory to the toriexchange and i don't know why, the list is empty even though i have a few things in my inventory. help please...
Originally Posted by battman View Post
i can't transfer any items from my inventory to the toriexchange and i don't know why, the list is empty even though i have a few things in my inventory. help please...

Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post

Here you can transfer items from your Inventory to Portfolio and vice versa.

Wasn't able to load a pic because Paint doesn't allow me to :X

There's two paragraphs. Left paragraph is for transfering items from Portfolio to Inventory and right paragraph is for other way round.
So, if you want to transfer an item from your Inventory to the Portfolio, use the right side.
Click the arrow pointing down and a list should slide down.
Here's your items.
Choose the item which you are willing to sell and click Transfer to Portfolio.
The same thing goes to the transfering from Portfolio to Inventory.


This is the list of your items which you have in the market.
You can keep your track of your items here.

The name of the item.
If you are seeking for a certain item, type in to the box next to Name: and Search button the name of the item.

Current price
The lowest given price.

Price paid
The amount of TC you're selling the item for.

How close the price is at the moment.

The number of items left.

Put the item for sale by clicking the Sell link.
You should get linked to here:

Your available stock:
The amount of the particular items you have in your Portfolio to sell.

The name of the item.

The amount of ToriCredits you are willing to sell the item.

The amount of items you want to sell.

When you've done with the last two, click the button to finish.

Buy the item from somebody other by clicking the Sell link.
The link brings you to the same screen as you were when you were buying an item from the Quotes.

The items don't have their own will. You have to make them into Portfolio, and there make it for sale.
Originally Posted by battman View Post
i can't transfer any items from my inventory to the toriexchange and i don't know why, the list is empty even though i have a few things in my inventory. help please...

Tonakai covered the basics, but if your "transfer to portfolio" list is empty (make sure you're not looking at the "transfer to inventory" list, make sure that the items you're trying to transfer are deactivated. You can't transfer items to your portfolio if you're currently using them.