Original Post
Tori Sports
Tori Sports

Week First


1. Dont edit replays of other people.

2. Dont Hack Replays.

To win you have to:

Get the biggest number of points in both Athletics&Gymnastics.

Prizes(each week):

1st place - 20000 tc
2d place - 10000 tc
3d place - 5000 tc

Tori Athletics

Mod: Default
Engage distance: 140
Disqualification: 1
Dismemberment: 0
Rules: Lift Uke, (Your both feet should be On the ground) and hold Uke the long you can in the air. Dont touch the ground with your hands. You must touch uke with both hands only. If you pull one leg from the floor all time resets, The points in this mod are counted by such method: time*5.Maximum is - 5000 points. If you make perfect stand with uke, you get 10000 points.

Tori Gymnastics

Mod: Swing
Engage distance: 180
Disqualification: 0
Dismemberment: 0
Rules: Its Beauty & Skill contest, if your replay is the best, you'll get 5000 points , second place - 2500,

third - 1500.

Ending time: June, 15.

I am The only judge of this contest.
Thx to Hector for translation.
Last edited by meatdad; Jun 8, 2008 at 08:08 AM.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
Set a time and stick to it please. Many people will probably post right before the end. Don't close it four days early because you don't have many replays.

Before I put any time into this, I would like confirmation that the tournament is on according to the parameters specified in the original post, please. At this point it seems a bit flaky.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
here my entrys, i did them very quickly to join the comp.
now we are 3 people. 1st - 3rd place, eh?
Last edited by D0R; Nov 17, 2008 at 08:12 PM.
My deviantART
so wut?