Why do people instantly link suicide to bullying? I'd be willing to bet that bullying is one of the smallest of all causes of suicide. Bullying only applies to kids and teenagers anyways.

Suicide is a symptom of the failure of society to do its duty to everyone. If someone views suicide as a viable alternative to continuing to live, it's far deeper than just "boohoo, i'm getting bullied so i'll kill myself." It displays a fundamental flaw in society. Suicide is what happens when someone's condition, physical, mental or otherwise, deteriorates faster than they have the means to cope with.

Suicide is not selfish, and the excuse that "boohoo the family and friends are going to be upset" is ludicrous at best. Where were they when said person needed support or just a means to cope with their troubles? Why didn't their family raise them in a manner that makes them impervious to bullying? Why didn't their family and friends support them through their existential crisis? That said, generally all of the "suicidal" cases I have seen are utterly pathetic in terms of their reasoning, as people are often not taught how to deal with problems such as bullying, existential crises, or other similar problems. Whatever the reasons behind a suicide are, family and friends are the last people who should be upset about it as it often is entirely their fault, and their feelings are often without merit. If anything, suicidal people who consider their family and friends before making a decision should be commended for their selflessness.

Remember the difference between suicidal and depressed. Suicidal is when someone has made a decision to kill themself and more often than not can't be saved. A depressed person that thinks of suicide is just a depressed person that thinks of suicide. One is not truly suicidal unless they've entirely given up on continuing to live. Suicide is not a light choice for someone, hence why they often seem happier and more energetic after they have made the choice.

As far as I can tell, there are two types of suicidal people. Actively suicidal people, who actively attempt to end their lives, and passively suicidal people, who would kill themselves if the chance presents itself, such as being given a gun or a long drop, or something along those lines. Actively suicidal people are the ones who are most likely to be saved as they are more likely to display signs of being suicidal.

There's tons more I can talk about but it's 4 am and I can't really hold onto the same train of thought.

Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
2.i did and I was raped that's why I'm homosexual...
From a Christian prospective people who suicide is a sin it's not right ...
(Match the numbers in the quote)

Homosexuality is a sin according to Christianity too. Why do you attempt to argue with a point you yourself ignore?

Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Most suicides are preventable.

Thank you Herr Hindsight. Everything is preventable if you look at it from the perspective of someone looking for stuff that could have been prevented.

Closing statement:
The right to suicide is a fundamental human right and should be legally recognized. People should not be punished for choosing to end their lives, and euthanasia should be legal to prevent a tragic event from becoming even more tragic. The many arguments against suicide are always stupid, as suicide is a flaw of society like many other things.
Last edited by Chozo; Jun 1, 2013 at 06:20 AM.
Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
Oh, and Hyde just reminded me: I antagonize suicide, but I don't think it should be illegal. If you really want to do it, you should be allowed to.

I prefer people who kill themselves over people who whine all day saying they will kill themselves but don't.

Then you're actively contributing to the problem. Common human decency suggests you should buy into their pathetic attempts at baiting for support and actually support them rather than antagonize them.
Last edited by Chozo; Jun 1, 2013 at 06:20 AM.
Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
I don't think people like that deserve any compassion if people who have it much worse aren't doing what they do, sorry.

I would rather have a society where people like that don't exist and the third world people get the help they need.

This reply is likely the last thing i'll post in discussion for the next month or so to preserve my sanity. Why do you think some people are more deserving of compassion than others? Because you have been raised to, and all your experiences in life so far have led you to believe that, or some inner agenda you have or whatever, although that isn't likely considering who you claim to be. Relativity is a powerful thing when it comes to suffering. Having a heart attack and dying when you lose millions in the stock market is as bad as starving to death in Africa, as they both lead to the same end. That said, according to your logic, you have no right to bitch and moan about people who don't deserve your compassion on account of their suffering not being as bad as other's suffering and your disapproval of how they deal with it, as their problems are worse than yours(obviously, why would they kill themselves otherwise), and I disapprove of your bitching and moaning about it, and therefore, you get no compassion from me.

Face it, you're just being an ignorant brat, nothing you have said holds any merit whatsoever, nor are your particular opinions valid in any sense of the word when faced with reality. I'm not going to sit here and explain every single flaw in society, but suicide is a damn big one. When social support webs of family and friends fail, where does the spider that spun the web go? It falls. Did the spider fail or did the web fail? There are fundamental problems that frankly cannot be fixed on account of how complex they are and how much time and effort it would take.

Also you mentioned "human decency," which is a phrase that I don't comprehend.

Last edited by Chozo; Jun 1, 2013 at 06:20 AM.
Originally Posted by Pamaaj View Post
-snip'd for length-

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
-snip'd for length-

These two posts are pretty much exactly my opinions.

Originally Posted by Saint View Post
You will never have the same opinion or understand someone who wants to kill himself untill you will feel the need to do it for yourself. ;)

This. This exactly. It's so easy to tell someone to "just try and improve yourself" and to "smile" when you're not the one that feels that way. It's for this reason that the "go do something incredible (world trip, exploration whatever, im sure you guys know what I mean)" suggestion is so infuriating; anyone who suggests this doesn't understand that when you have that sort of feeling, the absolute last thing you want or even can do is go on an adventure.

Originally Posted by Deakster View Post
There is something I noticed in my life though. If people who went through that I did, did what I did by not killing themselves, would grow up to be the following:
A outcast to life, a person who just wants to be left alone alot, and is always shy to talk and meet other people. They wait for the person to come to them before they become talkitive with others around them.(Like my girl... I had to get a homie to tell her to talk to me, because I did not have the will power to talk to her on my own).
A person who tries their best to fit in, and strives for attention. Try to get back what they never received as a child/pre-teen.

Trust me, it is true. I know 3 people who grew up with the same shit that I did, and they do everything I just listed. You can tell by how someone acts if they was bullied or not. It's not hard, you can tell if someone went to the point of suicidal, but fought back.

As I stated earlier, the people who do kill themselves just didn't have the power at all, and died as a weak soul, as a weak person for not conquering their problems like I did.

Not everyone who wants to die is/was like you. People have unique experiences and reasons for wanting to end it, and each is affected differently.
Also, calling suicidal people weak is extremely ignorant. Facing depression and suicidal urges can be the hardest challenge a person faces; calling someone weak for not being able to overcome such a challenge is nonsensical.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
Exactly this.

Hi, person with Major Depressive Disorder and severe anxiety.

This is an uneasy thing to think about 24/7. I don't know why I think about it but I can not stop myself from thinking about it. If you say suicide is the cowards way out, you should first experience what I go through. This shit is tough, thinking about things you don't even want to think about and not getting able to get rid of the thought.

When you feel like a worthless piece of shit and moap around all day, everything just gets to you. You can only control it for so long before you want to crack.

I'm currently in therapy and seeking help. This is just ranting but I'll post more when I'm not occupied by things.

I'm glad you're getting help, Ed, and I hope it works out well for you.

Originally Posted by Bakugan View Post
I tried multiple times to kill myself, It's not easy at all.

the reason is I don't have any friends where I am and Tennessee is the most fucked up place. I never had a girlfriend because theres so many young prositutes, sluts and cheaters , I'm the good kind of guy that can pick out a girl that is very caring and does the right thing, and so many sluts here bully me because I'm not the bad boy type. if i was the bad boy type i would have all the sluts here .

also suicide isn't stupid. I'm not saying you should suicide but people say "stand up for yourself" well if you stand up for yourself then you go to jail which is pretty fucked up. like if someone hit you or trys to stab you with a knife then you go to jail to if you fight back. that why theres suicide. no one can help them with their problems cause of a downside if you try to get help

Can you elaborate more on the "you go to jail to if you fight back" part? I'm pretty sure no reasonable judge and jury would convict someone for defending themselves.

Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
Suicide and self-harm are pathetic. No mentally or emotionally stable person would attempt suicide or harm themselves (generalizing suicide as emo first world kids being faggots, not anything like a political martyr).

If you're not unhinged, then you're just a little pussy. People are starving, getting raped, having to kill from a young age, and dying painfully in the third world, yet some little cunt decides to kill himself because he just "couldn't handle the bullies".

Anyone who has killed themselves in that context deserves to die for being so weak. The human race is too compassionate on inferior people, so one day we'll be species of fat, dumb, mentally unhinged, emotionally unstable inbreds with a vast amount of inheritable diseases or other defects.

Point is suicide is wrong, and if you do it, expect no sympathy from me.

One of my friend's friends committed suicide because his girlfriend dumped him and he had a small penis or something; do you really think that's a sane reason to end your life? I don't, and it isn't. Anyone who wants to kill themselves for any reason that doesn't involve constant physical pain or to save someone else's life deserves to die for being such a pathetic loser.


You're pathetic. Instead of wallowing in self pity and generally being a faggot, why not try to actually improve your life? Move away, find some friends etc.

Or just kill yourself, I could care less about people like you, you're worse than creationists.

Edit: Call me desensitized all you want, I know I am; but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

There is just so much fundamentally wrong with this post and the thought processes that went into creating it that I'm not sure if I even want to refute it. Hyde did a nice job of summing up my opinions on this post. It just doesn't make sense to me why the fact that someone else is in a worse position means that someone's suicide is "pathetic" and "just a little pussy". It seems that, with this logic, only the person in the worst position in the world would have the right to kill themselves. Also, all of the things you listed as being characteristics of someone in a worse situation are events that happened to them; I would make the argument that internal struggles and pain are much, much worse.
Last edited by Kitten; May 31, 2013 at 09:16 PM.
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7
I have attempted suicide in my past, but I have never been bullied enough to provoke a reaction, I have manic depression (Bipolar Disorder) so I have days where I just can't get out of bed and sometimes I see it as the only way to end my misery, but othertimes I think about how I would be leaving my family behind and how they would be effected by my passing. Although I am athiest it is times like those where I seek hope in a higher being, although no one can know for definite and I don't follow any religion at all I do think it's a nice thing to turn to in times of desperation. In the past I have delved into self harm, although I do know it helps nothing it makes me feel worse to be honest but I guess I have built up an addiction to it. I do battle with my disorder every single day but I do hope that one day I can over come it and help those who are in a similar position. People can tell you that you are not alone but that means nothing unless you have someone there for you, I'm lucky to have my best friend Shelbie who has talked me out of self harm and suicide countless times now, to her I owe my life and one day I hope to be someone who can help those with suicidal thoughts.

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
1.i was lucky I had friend
2.i did and I was raped that's why I'm homosexual...
3. The same way I feel now
4.you make freedom
5. You speak up
6. Therapy
7. I have cuts on my arms,chest,stomach, wrists
8. Me too
9.i lost a couple friends to depression
10. Don't ever say that no one is ever better off in a grave ..
From a Christian prospective people who suicide is a sin it's not right ...
(Match the numbers in the quote)

Some people cant speak up, some arent allowed to go to therapy. Some people cant take stuff like that, especially girls. Read this. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/12...r-girl-suicide This girl got raped by three boys, who then took pictures and put them on facebook and twitter, an pretty much everywhere else too. Her reputation was completely ruined, and as her "friends" found out, they weren't her "friends" anymore. Some people cant take that stuff. If that ever happened anywhere near I lived, I would be on trial too. Some things are too much for an innocent human to handle. So they take the easy way out. Respect their decision.

Suicide isnt the answer in most cases. Only if there is no hope, no-one to help you.

[QUOTE=SenseiKitten6568325I have attempted suicide in my past, but I have never been bullied enough to provoke a reaction, I have manic depression (Bipolar Disorder) so I have days where I just can't get out of bed and sometimes I see it as the only way to end my misery, but othertimes I think about how I would be leaving my family behind and how they would be effected by my passing. Although I am athiest it is times like those where I seek hope in a higher being, although no one can know for definite and I don't follow any religion at all I do think it's a nice thing to turn to in times of desperation. In the past I have delved into self harm, although I do know it helps nothing it makes me feel worse to be honest but I guess I have built up an addiction to it. I do battle with my disorder every single day but I do hope that one day I can over come it and help those who are in a similar position. People can tell you that you are not alone but that means nothing unless you have someone there for you, I'm lucky to have my best friend Shelbie who has talked me out of self harm and suicide countless times now, to her I owe my life and one day I hope to be someone who can help those with suicidal thoughts.

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"[/QUOTE]

Those friends can be a lifesaver cant they? I have been in your situation before. My old girlfriend broke up with me, my mother and father didnt care about me, nobody at school did either. Except one person. Ironicly her name is Shelby too. lmao. She has kept me from suicide ant cutting countless times. Shes also extremely hot so ya... that may have helped a bit too ^.^
Last edited by PVPPRO; May 31, 2013 at 10:16 PM.
"People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people."
Last edited by Chozo; Jun 1, 2013 at 06:20 AM.