You can calculate it by yourself. But i'll help you.
20 USD * 15k per usd rate = 300k.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
At rate 15k per USD?
This is ridicuolus.
Even someone sell tc at rate 9-11k per USD, i though it has nonsense.
Well, i would like to buy bigger avatar (150x200).
I'll pay about 70k (price are haggleable right?).
But for now, i would like to reserved it.
Calculated the price for full 512 is 303k. Is it haggleble? I'll buy it for 292k
Also, who's your boss? I'm sure you're not doing this by yourself
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
Kyle, i don't selling TC. I named my price. If you wanna buy my things for tc you should *15 price in USD. And all. Why i put so much tc per usd? Cuz i wanna get USD. If it's not possible, i would prefer to get bigger amount of tc for it.
Eason, 303k is pretty nice price for full 512x512 in my eyes. This full comes with head etc...
If you find anyone who will sell full 512x512 for less then 305k even PM me please.
Min i can go is 300k
Last edited by Snow; Jan 3, 2014 at 01:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
Okay deal.

Sent it first. You will get your full in a day or so.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!