Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
i like the version without glow better
get rid of the cheesy glow and add some soft orange highlights/reflections to the metal around the eyes.

+ absolutely digging the mapping. Especially on the top of the head. No pulled and distorted pixels if I see correctly.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
I've just started an auction: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=445270

Hmm, not sure if I agree.
If the winning bid likes it without better I can always do that.
I kinda like the fact that it's glowing, looks more lively this way.
I do get your drift though. Hmm.

Thank you!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
i like the version without glow better
get rid of the cheesy glow and add some soft orange highlights/reflections to the metal around the eyes.

This is basically what I had in mind, hehe.

Glow is overused Or rather... Ugly because so many people fail at using it correctly. (Not implying you're one of those).
pretty polished texture, but may i stab at it?

A little late now that its done but now or never. Drew some pretty lines on it so you could see what i see better.

the two V's in the red box looks a little weird for some reason I don't know if they are taking away from the U shape of the top of the mouth guard and the flow between both eyes but I may have tried to continue the lines from around the eye hole without putting a sharp V in the center.

The green box is a little strange, when i previewed it ingame it looks really stretched. Personally i think it is because you went too far around the head with a single shape, and they all come together at the back which creates a weird focus point.

purple line/ and depth in general. In the purple box you have created some depth then when you go around towards the top the depth of that piece disappears. my thought on this is you are focusing on the flat and when you actually were to look at the head from the top there should be some sort of 3d effect to pop the texture from that view.
-wow that's a bad explanation of what I really want to say... Basically if you were to look at the sphere directly tangent in all places it should still look 3d and the top of yours does not.

Blue line. this is just a preference thing, those white pieces look like air intake or something of the sort the way they are layered. but its on the back 1/2 of the head, don't you usually put those on the front of robots/vehicles/machines?

overall i think you could use better use of shadows to pop the texture a bit more, quite a nice clean head anyways. I don't think i could pull of this style this well.
Last edited by 13chillz; Feb 18, 2014 at 11:08 AM.
Next time!

First, let me say thank you for taking the time to CnC my work!

Now, give me chance to defend some of the choices I made :]

About the V's:
Nothing I can say about this, this could easily be filled up with another part.
Somehow I decided with a black spot in the middle and on the top right of the eyes.
I do like the abstract shape but I guess this is more because I wanted to finish the head.

Green box:
I agree. At first. Somehow the organic shape is growing on me. Almost like a tentacle or something, haha!
It's a bit weird because all the lines group up towards a single point. I think I could've come up with a better solution although I still like the idea of the two supports with a piece of armor to defend it from the front.
I'll definitely keep this in mind, though!

Purple line:
I hear you! I'll work on that some more.
It's funny because I actually didn't shade the top because my idea was that there would be no shadow because the light come from directly above.
Will try to make the next head pop more. As this was the first, you can already see the difference between the first and last parts. I'm curious what I can do next week!
It's been so long, haha!

Blue line:
I agree, but I had to fill it up ;]
I think it works though.

Question for you, could you send me that template?
I'd love to use that as I think it would speed up my work quite a bit!

Thanks, that's pretty cool!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.