Rkmma is way more balanced than a mod like ABD. In rkmma, it is more difficult to push someone out of the ring since there is no grab and f you do push them out, then props to you.
Don't Be Racist
Originally Posted by Mboze View Post
I actually joined in 09.

You see nothing wrong because you joined when this shit epidemic started.

Sorry for being old fashioned but I like games with people of equal skill. Not playing just to counter a stupid shovel every game. It gets boring.

Its not that I can't counter its that I hate having to do it so often. Where before you could have a good game with other people with out having to worry if they are going to lift or shovel.

2012s WC between daxx and kristis was so pathetic and sense then it has only gotten worse.

sadly, this is true and situation was quite different during 08-09.
blackbelt aikido server was an amazing place and regulars were playing without going for the cheapest shit possible.

my guess is abd betting ruined it all. when it comes to money tc people will do any shit to win. hence the idea that everything is good as long as it keeps you winning.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
ABD isnt bad the players are. Back when ABD was first created we didn't lift unless it was a THROW or a SUPLEX and you where going to hit the ground with some force with no saving involved. ABD used to be a mod about ground game none of this gay ass clapping or anything like that, We used decap openers and went for points and then could turn that same decap opener into the craziest throw you have ever seen. New players go on youtube we created our own moves, youtube also ruined ABD.
Now its filled with lifting, point holding, shoveling, Scrubs that lift for any reason just because they have a chance having no idea if they will make a proper slam out of it or not and its just sad to see all that coolness of what ABD used to be turned into some hand holding faggotry.
This is why i play wushu and tk.
Last edited by poop; Aug 24, 2014 at 08:53 AM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
abd is a really simple mod with a simple way to survive, therefore it is really easy to understand and pick up. betting server hosts started using it for their servers because of that, so that most people could play (while still keeping a decent mod for the skilled players to use)
the fact that abd is easy to pick up and not as easy to master makes it the perfect mod for the new players to start playing at a competitive level

since abd was adopted by so many people, techniques are always being developed, always new tricks to do whatever, etc. it wasnt difficult to predict that non-competitive abd would adapt from competitive abd, because the competitive abd scene is huge
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Eddylee View Post
I agree with mboze, any decent player should know how to counter a shovel.

Every decent player learnt from playing legit matches. A player who has faced a shovel many times will know the technique to blocking the variants of a shovel.

Besides, wasn't ABD made to minimize shovelling? If anything I'd see it supporting shovels because now the ring is bigger, getting your opponent near the edge is harder. Shovelling of lifting will be the easiest way to do this. As far as lifting goes, if you have faced a lift as much as I have you will understand that certain variants can't be dodged as soon as your in the air. You can only let your opponent lift you can only TRY to escape. They can just lift you and walk to the edge of the ring. I am not saying it's a bad move cause thats exactly what I do! Do what I must to win.

Also, isn't your post (the one in replying to) going against your point?
Or maybe people just don't know how to lose?
If you DM them you are noob
If you lift them out you are noob lifter
If you win by points you are a noob point holder
If you win with force dq you are noob gay grabber (usual)
But as I said, abd has many ways to win and it makes it competitive, countering shit in abd is much easier than countering push in rk(not talking about openers)
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
anyway guys stop complaing if you can't deal with it it's your
problem we don't care abput it if we can counter that
and a lot of people can say that wushu is always better
and will always be better C:
Poop... I don't think youtube helps anyone in ABD. When anyone plays ABD they want to win right? So why would I sacrifice that. ABD is a 100% competitive mod so what do you expect.. seriously lifting, shovelling, kicking is not a problem at all but you will probably on realise this if you are good enough. The only people mad in this thread are the shitty players. Mods like wushu there is more to it than just winning - that is not the case for ABD. As I said ABD is all about winning.

Edit: Poop you said "this is why I play TK" and by that you mean you snap kick noobs 24/7, you're such a hypocrite.
Last edited by FistofLife; Aug 24, 2014 at 02:47 PM.
abd is a mess, without defined meta.
if you want to see if you worth anything in terms of skill - play spiritwrestling, then feel free to claim "shitty players" all you want
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Well you want to make meta ? like everybody should play like that ?
that would be boring
why can't we just play for fun ? even loosing is fun in this game
so whats the point of crying >