Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
What about my mod

there is a lot of place for improvement, first of all, it didn't look like ruins, more like a modern construction.
instead of creating grass and sun as object, try adding a shader to the mod, i'm pretty sure it will look a tad bit better.
Placement of objects wasn't bad i'll give you that, but this is too linear, try adding some variety, i prefer mods that have more than one route, keep it up and work on aesthetics aswell.
I'm Agree with Scorpio , nice mod , but don't look like ruins.
Maybe you can add things to make it look like roman ruins or thing like that ?
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
thanks scorpio I got other mods by the way

they suffer from more or less the same problems, you tried to put variety into the city but placement wasn't perfect.
u put it in mods in toribash go to open file location/data/mods
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
i have no idea how that mod making thing works but i really like the mod, especially that crocodile / duck thing there :3
Pidda's spirit animal
from now on u have to make a crocoduck in every mod u'll make.... EVERY! <3
Pidda's spirit animal