Um, sorry for asking this much, but could you provide us artists with an example of an anime hairstyle?
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
Originally Posted by BeanSprout View Post
Um, sorry for asking this much, but could you provide us artists with an example of an anime hairstyle?

dl and lp me
Um i cant go ingame cuz mom wont let me. just post image or something.
im currently using this hair style and it will look more realistic when i finish the shading


Last edited by BeanSprout; May 16, 2015 at 05:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
LOL. Bro. It will be better, though you probably shouldve shown me that head to begin with :P. Like i said, this isnt even close to dont. hold thy horses
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
Originally Posted by BeanSprout View Post
Um i cant go ingame cuz mom wont let me. just post image or something.
im currently using this hair style and it will look more realistic when i finish the shading


Not even close to how amazing i want the head here is the head i have atm i want something this good or better http://gyazo.com/ef6d4b5ba3b8ee1fd8590e26bca7ef3e

Added Hair

Nice? If yes I'll add details.
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Originally Posted by Raiken View Post

Added Hair

Nice? If yes I'll add details.

Don't like the hair it's to light blue and i'd prefer red eyes.