I tried those brownies , their awesome if you use the weed (but instead of 1/8 a qaurter(1/4)) for something else and just dont make the brownies.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
I want to join

Tasty bacon bread.

5 slices of bacon
1 slice of bread
Cheddar cheese

Put the slice of bread on a pan that you can put in an oven.
Put the slice of cheese on the bread.
Put the bacon on the slice of cheese.
Put it in oven for 10 min at 100F (cook for another 2 min if not cooked)
Put on a plate and enjoy.
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag
anyone try my recipe
i gotz a new one this time a drink

Alikambe10's power smoothie

1 raw egg yolk
Hot chocolate powder or choclate sauce
1 banana
and some strawberries (can be replaced by any kind of berry)

Put all the ingredients in a blender and add one cup of skimmed milk
blend for 10 secs or until the mixture is smooth
Take and pour in a cup and enjoy.
A SMod Team Moderated Message:
alikambe10 is a fag
I guess you could consider these recipes... You ARE combining a bunch of stuff together to make something new, but all of them are just extremely unhealthy and easy to make except for the salad dressing, eggs, and maybe the asparagus-meat-sticks.
Anyways, that's beside the point, here's a pretty good homemade recipe for chicken ramen soup...
2 tbsp finely diced Garlic
2 tbsp finely diced Ginger Root
2 tbsp finely diced yellow Onion
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
1 tbsp vegetable oil
4 Cups Chicken stock
(Optional) Srircha to taste.

-Saute Garlic, Ginger, and Onions in vegetable/sesame oil mixture until soft.
-Pour in chicked stock and soy sauce (Srircha) and simmer for 30 minutes.
-Strain into serving bowl.
-Add noodles (cooked per directions on package or you can make your own, don't recommend the latter, too time consuming for equal quality)
Last edited by Mediaworks; Jan 8, 2009 at 09:29 AM.
Heres my recipe:

you need: tomato, boiled egg, knife, pepper & salt

1.cut the tomato in half
2.cut off the bottom of the boiled egg, so it can stand
3.make a small hole in the tomato ( from the inside )
4.attach the tomato on the top of the boiled egg with a little poke-stick ( i dont know what its called )
5.the yellow part, of the egg, you drop some parts of it on the top of the tomato
6.season it with some pepper & salt

you just made a mushroom =D
its delicious
Here's another recipe, one for risotto, not too original but it differs from the standard way of making it.

You'll need
-A large ban with medium height edges
-2 cups of chicken stock
-Some cream
-Any kind of short-grain absorbent rice (I use arborio, other kinds include carnaroli and vialone nano)
-Parmigiano-Reggiano (optional)

Pour the rice, completely dry, on to the pan, and keep it over low heat until the rice is just a little bit brown (make sure that you don't overcook the rice at this point, or it won't be as absorbent and it'll be hard and have little to no flavor when it's finished)
Turn up the heat a little bit, to medium, and pour the chicken stock in until it just covers the rice, and keep stirring the rice until the stock is completely absorbed.
Keep repeating this process until you're out of chicken stock, or the rice stops absorbing the stock completely (the latter most likely won't happen, but there's a small chance that it could based on the type of rice you're using)
Turn the heat off, and pour in just a little bit of cream (i never measured, just kind of splash about 3 tablespoons in) and stir it in.
At this point you can add a little bit of the parmigiano-reggiano and stir it in if you'd like.
That's all there is to it, it's absolutely amazing.
I'll add some more COMPLETELY original recipes later.