Keys have now all gone - thanks a lot for the interest and nice comments.

I really hope some of you will get into the game - do join the forums and use the CHAT button in-game to connect to IRC (it's #determinance on irc.maxgaming.net for anyone else who's interested).

Also do contact me if you're having any issues with your key.
your game is same idea that i had to a game

Just be glad you didn't have to go through the torment of making it! :-P
Damn. I never got one. T_T

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Great, I've known about Determinance for quite a while now (Since last year I think) and I've always wanted a key for it and just when I'd have the chance to get one for free I missed the chance by an hour, or so.

Go me...
We'd really appreciate it if you bought the game in that case! I promise that the money will go 100% into making new indie games and not into buying me new hats and beer.
Nah, I'm broke.

I'd buy the key otherwise, but it's kind of hard without any money.
Awww... I don't seem to have gotten one -_-

I did send my e-mail though. Meh, tough luck.
Aww =( I want one too =(
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.