View Poll Results: Do you think Burke will be a legend one day?
Hes duh most MLGest persun evr, Of cors he will
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 Votes / 100.00%
Yeh i guess
0 Votes / 0%
3 Votes / 0.00%
Nu, hes a nub lol
2 Votes / 0.00%
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alot of twitches
dont use low tf like 1 and 2
need more spinz and more work on landing
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
again was bored, so its not gonna be as good as it could have been.
hope you guys enjoy the madman/ukebash, i havent done a skeet in forever lol
Attached Files
R3CKL3SS.rpl (203.9 KB, 15 views)

well the starter was kinda weird, that pecs movement didnt look that good; The legs looked a bit twichy in the following frames, the rest was quite messy, not your best, the skeet was ok
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
well the starter was kinda weird, that pecs movement didnt look that good; The legs looked a bit twichy in the following frames, the rest was quite messy, not your best, the skeet was ok

well of course its not gonna be my best lol, i used an opener that i consider really bad for this type of replay and i only spent like 15 minutes on the entire replay as a whole, plus i told you its not going to be as good as it could be.

btw i appreciate the cnc Onsola

working on new replays, including a collab
and a few madmans for you guys to enjoy

Finally finished this tricking replay and i gotta say that the 2 or 3 or whatever amount of weeks put into this was worth it. Hope you guys enjoy or whatever idk what you people do...
btw the reason i didnt do a cork that perfect moment in the replay, was because apparantly i forgot how to cork, well i just cant get enough speed anymore to get a spin from a cork, so yeah...
i might add a cork to that part later on.
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L0ST 1N TH3 ECH0 Final Ver..rpl (178.0 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Xenos; Apr 4, 2016 at 01:44 AM.

The straight leg step with the complete change in momentum thing at 1020ish looked kind weird.
The back flip or whatever at 900 was fine but imo you should have made it look a little less like you were going for a cork and bailed.
I dont really do tricking so sorry if this wasnt the best.

Need help? PM me!
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sorry for the inactivity, i was in Kentucky for 3 days because i was at BotCon lol
ill continue making replays whenever i can
looking for a few more or atleast one more cnc for L0ST 1N TH3 ECH0...

alright opener was good, but you lost some of it's potential

when you started kicking the floor, when u contracted it, there was a twitch, relaxing it mightve been better tbh

the raiz was a bit weird cause of the lumbar, it shouldve been straight

the landing was nice, but it looked weird after because it looked like you'd do a cork, but flipped instead

landing couldve been better aswell
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
05:15 - HorDamp - Hatt: ill cnc it here if that's ok
05:18 - HorDamp - Hatt: at 1165 you have prepared well with your pecs for the coming rotation, but then you wanted to move your chest back more, so you rotated that right and moved the pecs left at the same time
05:18 - HorDamp - Hatt: you lost all the power you had stored up in the pecs there
05:18 - HorDamp - Hatt: what you could've done instead is held the pecs while moving the chest more right
05:18 - HorDamp - Hatt: and thend rotated your whole body left at once, not in steps
05:19 - HorDamp - Hatt: to clarify, right now at 1140 you move your pecs left
05:19 - HorDamp - Hatt: then you move your chest left
05:19 - HorDamp - Hatt: and only the chest actually gives you rotation
05:19 - HorDamp - Hatt: you have to sync your joints for more power
05:20 - HorDamp - Hatt: ill give you another example
05:20 - HorDamp - Hatt: the reason you didn't get high enough at the backflip at 890
05:20 - HorDamp - Hatt: is because your arms hit the sky too early
05:21 - HorDamp - Hatt: the momentum of the swinging leg you had there was stopped when you stepped it into the ground, but it could've still worked with careful timing
05:21 - HorDamp - Hatt: you also extended the knee after you left the ground, which slowed down your rotation instead of adding to it
05:22 - HorDamp - Hatt: I'm sorry if this all seems harsh, it's not supposed to be
05:22 - HorDamp - Hatt: it's a great replay and you're obviously learning very well
05:22 - HorDamp - Hatt: well done :)
05:23 - fzxvs: yay, if possible could you copy n paste on thread?

keep it up
Last edited by Hattersin; Apr 11, 2016 at 06:19 AM.
PM me with any and all questions