Just a suggestion but I think it'd be better if we made the applications we're getting freehand. Anyone can answer a few questions and get in just so they can leave a few days after. If it were freehand though, it'd take actual effort to get done and we'd be getting better clan members than just anyone random.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Okay first off, if it's freehand most people won't work hard at all. They will just bullshit and say whatever. Aside from that if someone wants to join the clan and leave that is there problem. The thing about how it is, is it will show there dedication by them joining and staying. Taking effort to make an application doesn't show enough dedication.

Also, don't make J-Bear cry Thronior. :3
It doesn't have to be special Thron, Just something simple so the clan page doesn't look so dry.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
But how do you assess someone's worth with just a questionnaire? Anyone can answer a few questions and be done with it and get in. A clan won't survive with just in-game activity and it won't get official with only in-game activity either.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
That is why I asked how often they use the forums and whatnot. I don't need to assess there worth by what they say. Not everyone speaks English well, and not everyone is good at writing essays or things free-form, we can't all be writers.
A clan exists to have fun with a group of players and the final goal should be the fun. If you can't have fun with forum inactive people then you don't need to be in a clan either
Well, I guess you have a point. If it works, what's the point in fixing it.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15