Original Post
November Promos... Announcing VOID, ECTO, NEPTUNE, Torso Textures!


Deposit Toricredits: (through Paypal, Wallie, One Bip or Shareit, Cherry Credits)
Mobile deposits can be accumulated for ONE SINGLE REDEMPTION - each Deposit is redeemable only once
USD $10 Deposits and below can be accumulated for ONE SINGLE REDEMPTION

250k worth of TC Purchased
Full Void Set
Full Set Torso Textures

100k worth of TC Purchased
Full Dragon Set
Full Ecto Set
Full Set Torso Textures

28k worth of TC Purchased
Full Ecto Set
Full Set Torso Textures

10k worth of TC Purchased
Full Neptune Set
Vampire Force
Vampire Relax
Vampire Ghost

5k worth of TC Purchased
Neptune Blood
Neptune Force
Neptune Relax
Vampire Force
Vampire Relax

(through Paypal) or Mobile
Stacked mobile boosters can be accumulated for ONE SINGLE REDEMPTION - each boost is redeemable only once

Booster 1000 ONE MONTH or MORE ONLY
Full Void Set
Full Set Torso Textures

Booster 500 (Stacked by Paypal or mobile)
Full Dragon Set
Full Ecto Set
Full Set Torso Textures

Booster 200
Full Ecto Set
Full Set Torso Textures

Booster 100
Full Neptune Set
Vampire Force
Vampire Relax
Vampire Ghost

Booster 50
Neptune Blood
Neptune Force
Neptune Relax
Vampire Force
Vampire Relax

PM RISEAGAINST to redeem your items! - PMs not in this format will not be entertained.
Voucher Code
Amount Purchased or Boosted

Accumulate above 100k in deposits and go into a draw to win a full NABI Designed UKE KILLER Texture Set with Full Shaman and Full Gold

Purchase 28k in deposits and go into a draw to win a full Arcane Warden Texture Set designed by Hanz0, with joints to complement your set

AUTOUPDATE enabled if you are purchasing by PAYPAL PM RiseAgainst if you purchased over 100k TC this month from us
Last edited by Gman80; Nov 16, 2008 at 06:04 AM.
Gone Fishing
Hey im getting a 50tc booster on the 24, and what would i have to do to get ecto and not Neptune
My account is for sale!!!!!
BUY IT 45$/orange box. my inv is right there <3
i can hardly see a difference between aqua and neptune in the shop, will have to wait how it turns out ingame
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
@DarkVadder: Aqua is a bit darker than Neptune

so the difference is not that huge :)

ps. you can allso allways use the Torishop ingame to see how the colors apear on you ;)

@hidingwarior: The demon still got a cooler shade of darkness over it :)
Last edited by eyCoco; Nov 7, 2008 at 03:34 PM.
Originally Posted by warbanana View Post
Its kinda lame now, Both Void/Demon are for only 20,000qi

You could have made demon only 10k or 5k qi

lol? Thats nowhere near lame, Void is like an UPGRADE to demon a better more cool looking black joint. If demon was at 5k qi all the zergs and newbies could rush to 5th farm off 200k and get demon :V.