So guys are we going to enter this or not.

We have 6 people and a fill in which is enough im pretty sure. Its just a problem if its at midnight for half of us.
I want to be in it. Idk about anyone else, but I think it's a great opportunity. And me wants the prizes. Btw, they havent recieved our app. ._.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
lol sorry kris, your a bit too late. You might be able to get in if someone pulls out. Like Xenmas, his computer is screwed...
But guess what.
Im back! Sorta....
The wireless modem should be arriving soon. So ill be able play on my laptop. Which means if the league is on at midnight ill still be able to play.
3 week /bump ftw.

Anyway i just noticed that our application has being accepted.

Now all we need is some more activity out of some of you who are in the list on the 1st post.