Originally Posted by jhunter03 View Post
lmao right after he spends a decent amount of money he gets banned, what an idiot

He tried to scam me lol.

Seems like he's 12.

Hi guys btw.
Looks like you're pretty angry at him. I wonder how close he got into successfully scam you.
Keep walking
I'm not angry, I just think he's such of an asshole trying to sell stuff at market price in the forums.

He wasn't close at any moment. I think he just thougth I started trading yesterday.
Ehh... I have saw someone trying to sell things at higher prices than torishop, not sure if it's him or not.
Keep walking
idek man lmao, he just wasnt smart, he sed he never scammed anyone
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter
lol, he just offered his whole inventory and I said yes but he bought things after he offered, so he didn’t want to send all.

I told him to give me back my items then, he didn’t. So I just reported him.

He wasn’t banned for that, he got banned because he sold my item, and he sent me a half of the tc he got for it.

So Kriegery got tired and banned him for scam attempt lol.
yea he is stupid
Two cats die in a house fire

and also hi srbonnago
Last edited by jhunter03; Mar 11, 2018 at 07:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter