Original Post
Design a Shield!

You and your fellow Vikings are lacking in good looks, so it has been left up to you to design a fearsome and threatening shield design to spice things up a bit.

Your job is to create a design/pattern to appear on the face side of THIS Viking shield (found in spoiler below.)
There will be one winner and honorable mentions, they all will receive prizes, including a Viking Shield with their own design on on it.

Be sure to edit your design onto this shield.


-No plagiarism
-No inappropriate designs (Sexual, offensive etc)

-Read General Rules for all of the rules of the forums and what content you post; they all apply.



60, 000 ToriCredits


With your custom design

Honorable Mentions:


With your custom design

ES Team

Aspects you will be judged on:


3 weeks after this post.

August 24th, 0.00 hs (GMT 0)

Item Previews

Last edited by Sneaky; Sep 1, 2018 at 12:58 AM.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
I have a question then I'll get into the design (welp, i guess)
Question 1: How do you get a re-texture of any items?
Question 2: How many winners there will be?
Question 3: Do we need to keep the original texture to edit?!
Last edited by Stephanoi; Aug 5, 2018 at 09:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
My shield



this is my shield, i hope you like it

The symbol I placed on the center of the shield is the shield knot, The shield knot has been used for thousands of years by a variety of cultures for protection and warding. While the common design is most often associated with ancient Norse, the most basic form is much older.

The tree represents Yggdrasil (Norse Tree of Life)
the giant mythological Tree that holds together the Nine worlds or realms of existence.

Also strong colors like red and yellow were a symbol of status a wealth, and colors like grey were the color that vikings with less wealth had.

And putting all that together the tree that reunites everything, the colors that represent both the rich and the poor, and with the shield knot on the center, the meaning of this shield is the protection of the viking heritage.
Last edited by magostic; Aug 13, 2018 at 02:18 PM.
ok neko gave my the ok for concept art, hope someone can turn this into smth cool if it wins, i'm terrible at art so this is all i could do, i can also provide a worded description of it and work with w/e to make it as neat as possible


My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
Originally Posted by Stephanoi View Post
I have a question then I'll get into the design (welp, i guess)
Question 1: How do you get a re-texture of any items?
Question 2: How many winners there will be?
Question 3: Do we need to keep the original texture to edit?!

1. Im not quite sure what you mean by this.

2. Not decided.

3. You must edit it onto the shield in the original post.
ES Member | [a] Adventure


I guess i'm entering? I did this on total accidentcuz iwas bored



I dont know if to continue with wip2/3


Last edited by Mablade3; Aug 6, 2018 at 02:40 AM.