if i cant have a good spliff, i smoke camel lights cigarettes.

but if i can smoke a couple of spliff a day, i don't smoke cigarettes.

if i work at home, i smoke a lot both...

Weed in place of cigarettes huh? Sounds fun

I dont smoke weed, but if I did I would have to try that
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
At least they are honest. I would try them too.
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I dont know the package but im pretty sure a guy i know smokes Black Death, if i remember correctly they are, well black and have a little vanille aroma.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Then no need to post here, right?
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Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
I wanna try that

You arent the only one. Those things are like a legend :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
i smoked black death some years ago (2000/2001), in italy they are really expensive.

but the one displayed in the picture is not the current box.
