Belt:2nd Dan BlackBelt .My Best Mods:Aikido AikidoBigDojo.Been In 2 Clans Both UnActive So I Left Them Clans.Rank:About 1035. Im kinda of active play about 2 hours or more a day.Thats It Hope I Can Join Thanks!
By the way im not on forum and stuff like that much.
Last edited by PIMPGB; Apr 6, 2016 at 12:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well if you can try to get that post count to at least 50 and if you can to 100. Please, sorry, trying to be fair.
An Application..... I think
Hello M8,
My name is Renascitur (or Reborn in Latin), I'm an age( 21....maybe?) and I live in Georgia. I've been playing Toribash since 2012( Back in the day) and I've a more impacting experience than I've ever had in any game.One of my greatest experiences has been clans. I think of them as an opportunity to meet people i wouldn't meet otherwise.

I choose (Incx) specifically because of it's members. Mrmiyagy, I know to be a pretty cool guy, as well as both Crow and RemZombie i know to be pretty cool.
I see that (Incx) also has some really active players that I see often in servers.I see that in the Clan Page (Incx) is a clan for Highly Skilled and Competitive players, which is exactly what i'm looking for. Clans that i have been in lately died because they weren't serious about the clan and some unskilled players were allowed in that would later cause problems.

I would not say i'm great, but i'm confident that i'm really good.I love the mods Aikido Big Dojo, Boxshu Mushu, and Taekyyon.I also enjoy sparring from time to time and have improved much on that too.

More About Me: I'm usually a light headed guy, but I do have my weaknesses when it comes to ticking me off. Really, the number one trait that ticks me off is ignorant arrogance.People who think of themselves to highly based of idiotic speculation.

Ever since I was a kid I loved soccer, it was my entire life. Wether I was watching soccer or playing soccer I was always into it and I never lacked interest. Until when I was 14, when I got really sick and even though I came out of it ok my sight was damaged. I stopped playing soccer and ended my addiction. I soon got into engineering and that's really been my life interest since then.

When I was 15 I started playing toribash after it was recommended by one of my classmates. I played for a week and quit.3 years later when I was packing up to move I found my old laptop with toribash on it and got interested in it again. Everything was going great until about. Year ago when I had gotten into dueling and had a very long losing streak. It got me worked up and in a duel with some guy I flipped out and ended up quitting toribash. After a couple weeks I started playing on an alt but by time I was unbanned I had lost interest in toribash and quit.

After about 6 months (basically now) I came back to toribash in hopes of redeeming my long lost passion and I have. Today I'm a 21 year old in Georgia trying to make a living in Naval architecture.I was a Honor Roll student so I plan to follow my dream.

One of my first clans was (Entity). The people in that clan were a family. Every individual person was equally as important as the next wether you were a unranked or leader. This was my longest running clan. I was in that clan for about a year. Some of the people I met in that clan were my greatest friends. The clan was doing great until a co-leader was assigned. He was a friend of the leader so he received a free pass in. He started adding strict rules about belt and kicking members. When a friend of mine and myself confronted him, my friend was kicked and I was demoted, his reason being that we weren't trust worthy.

I'm looking for a clan that will make me feel the way entity made me feel, at home. I hope this is an environment where someone like me can fit in and be a part of a team.

If there are any problems I might resort to pm instead to coming back to this thread. ;)
P.S.: sorry for some grammar mistakes I'm using auto correct.
Last edited by Renascitur; Apr 12, 2016 at 10:32 PM.
@supermond = dont just ask.... make an application you dope :3

@Renascitur = i absolutely hands down love you app XD million times better then mine hahahaa. and sorry the caln has been a little inactive here lately. hopefully i got to you soon enough. and yeah we treat each other like family here.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

It's fine Posiden, as long as it takes ;). I can't wait for the clan to get back on, so I can meet some of my future clan m8's( I hope)
Guys i don't know that i'd like to join Ocean anymore. Out of 20 people i've only met two people. Some people have been gone for weeks at a time. I really wanna join this clan, but if it gets this inactive idk. The last war was 6 days ago .-.. My whole personality is based off progress, but i haven't seen much here.

No hard feelings i still think this is a awesome clan but i wish it was more active.