Alright Vic, thanks for letting us know.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.

1. Belt (Brown and up): brown, about 100 games t0 black

2. Previous clans: _SOTF_

3. Forum/Ingame Activity: honestly haven't used the forum much before but I can start, I am on basically every day in game

4. What can you do for to this clan?: im a fairly strong player and willing to help anyone who needs it...as long as its judo or wushu :P
Originally Posted by spastic023 View Post

1. Belt (Brown and up): brown, about 100 games t0 black

2. Previous clans: _SOTF_

3. Forum/Ingame Activity: honestly haven't used the forum much before but I can start, I am on basically every day in game

4. What can you do for to this clan?: im a fairly strong player and willing to help anyone who needs it...as long as its judo or wushu :P

I'll just spare everyone. Nope. This is not only a bad application, but no where near the correct place for it. kthxbai.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think I might be retired.
....so I just realized I read the application requirement from June 2012, sorry for the inconvenience I swear I have the brain of a 4 year old, and also didn't notice there is another thread for this stuff so yeah sorry
Originally Posted by spastic023 View Post
....so I just realized I read the application requirement from June 2012, sorry for the inconvenience I swear I have the brain of a 4 year old, and also didn't notice there is another thread for this stuff so yeah sorry

No problem. At least you apologized for it, come back when you are a bit more fourm active and a black belt. Hope to see you again.
I play Toribash.
From what I've seen we've been pretty inactive. I'm not sure what's going on with you guys, but if this continues the same thing will happen.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
Just like checked the forums, and you're right stab. THe same thing will happen if we don't pick up the activity.
hey sorry I haven't been very active lately been doing stuff forgot too let you guys know anyways what have all of you been doing
Just uhmm stalking you. No big deal. I like your tree. It's nice to sit in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think I might be retired.