Sorry for interupting the recruitment process here. But me and the rest of ex-members of Fishy clan have something to explain about ohlolz in response to this post
Originally Posted by OhLolz View Post
in response to hyde:

im guessing you spoke to vitta?
you should know that i was rhe founder of that clan and not once did i cause any trouble eithin the clan. vitta grew to dislike me over our opposing views on the clan - he wanted it to purely be a casual and fun clan, whereas i was more inclined to war and be more competitive. he now hates me with a passion and, rather unfairly, tries to get me banned from every server i go in to.

thanks, hope you can reconsider your vote.
e: apologies for bad grammar, writing from my (terrible) phone.

1. He isn't the founder of Fishy, Me and manta are.
2. He did cause trouble in the clan just that nobody complained straight to him. Most exmembers of Fishy was really annoyed by his behavior, he is overprofessional in a very wrong way.
3. I did want the clan to be a fun clan yes, since it is a game and it is made to be enjoyable. Now the way ohlolz treat members in wars, he just take them way too seriously giving them stress and panic instead of support.
4. I did ban him from a server. But not every server. People started doing the same thing not because i told them to, maybe you should ask other people why, there's maybe an explanation behind those kicks towards ohlolz.

I will get some people to confirm this. By some, i mean enough to verify this.
I recommend you to reconsider.
Thank you.
Have nothing to do with this, but I'd just like to add Ohlolz is a great friend if you give him the chance, he might try to hard on certain things but he's a great guy overall! I'll be honest, it's mostly the perspective you choose to see him trough, if you choose to see every single thing he does wrong you won't like him. If you would rather see the positive side of him I can assure you he will be great companion.
That's all that I'd like to add, and I will not get any further into this topic.
Just for the record I have not been sent here by anyone.
•[Wapow]••Flame••Error••Hattersin••Cheshyre••BetxOnxM e•
I can confirm that OhLolz wasn't the founder of Fishy, but Vitta was (along with Manta).
Truly, Vitta wanted Fishy to be a fun and casual clan, that was the idea behind it.
As most people don't really know, Fishy started with a joke (ask Vitta for details), therefore, the clan was bound to be a casual clan.
OhLolz didn't just cause trouble to Fishy, he killed it.

PM me if you need anything
No need for confirmation. I feel like he deserves a chance. I'm sure if he causes us any trouble, he will be out. We have a 2 week trial period for new recruits to test and see if they are able to be a permanent member of the club. If in those two weeks he causes any sort of trouble, I can assure you he won't exceed past the trial phase.

Please keep any further comments regarding OhLolz to PM.
I can confirm that ohlolz was a bad leader too he demoted me cuz I lost a war and left a war once
I said all these because I was in Evil years ago, I am Lucent. And i was about to rejoin.
And I saw that guy coming. I just want Evil to keep it's quality, i talked to Hyde about how Evil was, and how it is now. Please keep the tradition of having quality members.
Originally Posted by Vitta View Post
Sorry for interupting the recruitment process here. But me and the rest of ex-members of Fishy clan have something to explain about ohlolz in response to this post

1. He isn't the founder of Fishy, Me and manta are.
2. He did cause trouble in the clan just that nobody complained straight to him. Most exmembers of Fishy was really annoyed by his behavior, he is overprofessional in a very wrong way.
3. I did want the clan to be a fun clan yes, since it is a game and it is made to be enjoyable. Now the way ohlolz treat members in wars, he just take them way too seriously giving them stress and panic instead of support.
4. I did ban him from a server. But not every server. People started doing the same thing not because i told them to, maybe you should ask other people why, there's maybe an explanation behind those kicks towards ohlolz.

I will get some people to confirm this. By some, i mean enough to verify this.
I recommend you to reconsider.
Thank you.

I can confirm that what Vitta has stated here is true.
ohlolz was not the founder of Fishy.
Nor was he fit to be founder or leader.
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