Belt:black belt
Forum Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10):i dont really talk on forums
In game Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10)im on everyday
IRC activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10):i dont use irc
Why you want to join Evil:i want to join because this clan seems pretty cool and i believeyour better than wapow
Best mods/mod:boxmushu akido abd
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that):video making
Current clan you're in (if no clan leave this out):
Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in):sadly noone
Originally Posted by asdguy View Post
Belt:black belt
Forum Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10):i dont really talk on forums
In game Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10)im on everyday
IRC activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10):i dont use irc
Why you want to join Evil:i want to join because this clan seems pretty cool and i believeyour better than wapow
Best mods/mod:boxmushu akido abd
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that):video making
Current clan you're in (if no clan leave this out):
Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in):sadly noone

No, you didn't really put any effort into this.
I'm going to vote Yes for Chapa3.

As for Ohlolz, I need to look over the situation with Fishy and talk to some people. As of now you aren't rejected or accepted. thank you for your patience.

As of now any discussion about OhLolz on this thread is not allowed. If you wish to comment on the situation please PM me about it.
Last edited by Apex; Apr 29, 2015 at 03:29 AM.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
wow so much clearing things here
total mess such a pain
and no to asdguy


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
this is getting annoying...apex already stated in his above post to stop this
if ohlolz is such a troublesome guy as you all say then we will come to know about it in our two weeks trial period so stop invading us with useless posts as we never asked people to review our applicants for us and as WTFlow said, anything related to this should be kept in PMs
don't make us report you


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
actually i was laughing myself when i typed that xD


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Name: Tiago
Belt: 10th dan
Forum Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10): very high, i always look around and when someone says something that i can join in on the chat then i will join in
In game Activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10): not very high, but i do go ingame from time to time...
IRC activity(NOT IN A VALUE OF 1-10): i'm starting to use it alot now so yeah, i'm starting to get pretty active
Why you want to join Evil: Evil has been a clan that i've looked up to since i joined toribash and i used to have the thread board Subscribed and just see how great of a clan it is and now i feel like this would be awesome for me to finally join.
Best mods/mod:I'm pretty good at aikido, aikidobd, wushu, judo, and i do pay some random mods just to skill up a bit..
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that):Um, i fool around on photoshop and sony vegas but it's not really a skill... i'm learning some stuff from a friend of mine Toriito.... when i get better i'll share some vids and art ^-^
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
should i c/p it over there or will a mod move it?
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."