Yeh, yonkou has a very good point. You cant really say somebody rage quit just because they left during a match.
you can ping intentionally. just disconnect your internet connection.

If you are in a tournament room and playing a match, you are committing your time to the game. If you can't commit that time or disconnect for any reason, it should be on you. You should be punished so others in the room aren't the only victims and that behavior will be deterred.

What I would really like to see, is if that penalty tc was transferred to others in the room instead of being sinked. That would be an interesting compensation for wasting their time. (in tournaments)
Last edited by Pindar; Sep 30, 2013 at 02:53 AM.
Or it starts to kick into effect after disconnecting a certain number of times in a given time period.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
This happened to me like 5 time in tourneys today.
One was final match..
"Not enough games played for tournament prize to be payed out"

Penalize the rage quitters!
A lot of good ideas are being bounced around here, and I firmly believe something needs to be done about this problem. I am happy to hear something is being done. I totally disagree with those who don't want any form of penalty. Rage quitting is a form of farming, and the way to stop it is by a penalty which touches the exact thing which is being farmed. Those who don't rage quit will very rarely be affected by this, since it'll only be when they lose their connection or get an emergency and have to leave. This should not happen many times during the same day, so would have a very small effect on players who finish their games, but would have a huge impact on farmers. This has been suggested many times before, but I think along the lines of the penalty for rage quitting being -10tc and -1 QI.
rock the world, one fight at a time
Penalty by losing TC is pointless. The best thing, Imo, would be so the player who quits or pings simply loses the match. It would solve bets sinking, tc in duel sinking, rank farming etc. Ragequitting would be just like losing. What you guys think?
Originally Posted by tato64 View Post
Make i so that if a player leaves, he cant join any matches in 10 minutes or something.

What if a player pings during a tourney? That tourney might be over by 10 minutes... seriously... read my suggestion please guys. It seems to me like the perfect solution. And when someone doesn't actually ragequit, but they lose connection (e. g. no response during a duel or when bets have been placed on their match) the TC won't sink.

Hampa needs to implement this into 4.6!