Original Post
Battle of Masters

Christmas is coming, we all know that. It means peace, fun and presents, but not here! We present to you Battle of Masters! In this event you can win those brand new pre-made sets, which you can find in ToriShop now! The aren't just some ordinary sets. They have a power to show everyone who’s the Master! Join, beat everyone and become the true Master of Toribash.

This event is similar to Battle of Classes, except this time, it's free for all. During sign-ups you get to pick a class you will be fighting as. This determines what bonuses you'll have during the fight stage. After sign-ups are over, you start fighting other people. The matches have to be best of three, you can play up to five duels every day and you have to play at least two duels in three days. If you fail to do that, you are disqualified.


All classes with a few exceptions have five lives. Every loss with a few exceptions counts as one death. Classes are balanced somewhat according to their price rather than equally. Here are the perks for each class:


  1. There can only be up to six people of the same class
  2. Once you've chosen your class you cannot change it.
  3. Abilities might be changed in the middle of the event to ensure balance.
  4. Points get counted at the end of each day.
  5. Activity checks are done every three days.
  6. No alts allowed, you can only enter the event with one account. If you get banned during the event long enough for you to fail an activity check, you will be disqualified.
  1. By entering the event, you are obliged to sportsmanlike behaviour and fair play.
  2. Every fight is a best of three (first to two) duel. Any mod can be picked as long as both players agree to it. If the players can't decide on the mod they should ask en ES member to pick a mod for them.
  3. After each fight, the winner should record the game here on the event thread with a replay. Alternatively screenshots of the duel may be provided (for the egg star class, a proof of the decap needs to be provided). It should be logged in this format:
    My class is -class-
    Enemy class is -enemyclass-
    I beat -nick- on -mod-


    hi, my class is High Class Gentleman
    enemy class is Punk Dude
    I beat Icky in taekkyon with score 2-1

  4. You're only allowed to fight the same person once every day and as mentioned earlier, up to five times total. This rule might change once there's less people remaining.
  5. Once you go below 1 hp you can't play anymore.
  6. Once the duel has started, an u finished fight caused by a ping/quit always counts as a loss unless the other person agrees to rematch.
  7. Repeatedly refusing to fight without a good excuse may cause you to get disqualified from the event.

Name:           | Class:        | W: | HP: |
Love            | Punk Dude     | 21 | 0   |
Gentleman       | Gentleman     | 15 | 0   |
KidJay          | Eco Boxer     | 12 | 0   |
Shmevin         | Punk Dude     | 11 | 2   |
BlueEvil        | Hand Egg      | 10 | 0   |
Coobana         | Gentleman     | 9  | 0   |
SruX            | Great Artist  | 8  | 0   |
Karstnator      | Punk Dude     | 7  | 0   |
Wizard          | Great Artist  | 6  | 0   |
Turbocharge     | Blind Sensei  | 6  | 0   |
Venoninho0      | Great Artist  | 5  | 0   |
Fake            | Great Artist  | 5  | 0   |
Trestet         | Red Boxer     | 5  | 0   |
SandDune        | Red Boxer     | 4  | 0   |
filippe01       | Hipster       | 4  | 0   |
Merc            | Gentleman     | 4  | 0   |
Yami            | Gentleman     | 4  | 0   |
Tohya           | Blind Sensei  | 4  | 0   |
dick            | Punk Dude     | 4  | 0   |
Dare            | Karate Master | 4  | 0   |
Valha           | Hipster       | 3  | 0   |
FreshKek        | Gentleman     | 3  | 0   |
bubby101        | Punk Dude     | 3  | 0   |
vipercat        | Eco Boxer     | 3  | 0   |
ZeDerpyOne      | Eco Boxer     | 3  | 0   |
Qukslice        | Eco Boxer     | 3  | 0   |
NightFlow       | Hipster       | 2  | 0   |
mcpick2         | Blind Sensei  | 2  | 0   |
Belly           | Gentleman     | 2  | 0   |
Icon            | Blind Sensei  | 2  | 0   |
Linvium         | Karate Master | 2  | 0   |
Ihab7           | Great Artist  | 2  | 0   |
N3WB            | Hipster       | 2  | 0   |
Typhon          | Hipster       | 1  | 0   |
Aubrey          | Hand Egg      | 1  | 0   |
inmmortal8      | Karate Master | 1  | 0   |
Crollex         | Great Artist  | 1  | 0   |
Sick            | Red Boxer     | 1  | 0   |
Seth            | Gentleman     | 0  | 0   |
PixelateTori    | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
Swepples        | Great Artist  | 0  | 0   |
Insanity        | Eco Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Slick           | Eco Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Finesse         | Red Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Hecate          | Karate Master | 0  | 0   |
abknight        | Karate Master | 0  | 0   |
Dumbn00b        | Eco Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Vinyl           | Eco Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Kore            | Blind Sensei  | 0  | 0   |
Thronior        | Blind Sensei  | 0  | 0   |
PepesSon        | Karate Master | 0  | 0   |
Kefix           | Great Artist  | 0  | 0   |
Smaguris        | Gentleman     | 0  | 0   |
MoldyRobot      | Red Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Stone           | Karate Master | 0  | 0   |
SmokeShadow     | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
iTemp           | Punk Dude     | 0  | 0   |
Hypez           | Gentleman     | 0  | 0   |
Hannw           | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
Granby          | Red Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
DaNewNinja      | Punk Dude     | 0  | 0   |
Mercurit        | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
FleshMon        | Hipster       | 0  | 0   |
KillerFeri      | Hipster       | 0  | 0   |
Nulu            | Red Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Diamond         | Red Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
Charism         | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
Dmonst8         | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
HASSAN          | Hipster       | 0  | 0   |
Grim            | Hand Egg      | 0  | 0   |
Martin          | Gentleman     | 0  | 0   |
Nikev2          | Hipster       | 0  | 0   |
Parasite        | Eco Boxer     | 0  | 0   |
KokJun          | Punk Dude     | 0  | 0   |
LeB3ast         | Great Artist  | 0  | 0   |
dragon5556      | Karate Master | 0  | 0   |
Necessity       | Blind Sensei  | 0  | 0   |
Arkanite        | Blind Sensei  | 0  | 0   |

Last man standing:
Matching full set + 5 ST

Most wins:
Matching full set + 5 ST

Activity checks every three days.
Last edited by AssassinPro; Jan 11, 2017 at 09:23 PM.
My class is Karate master
Enemy is a Great artist
I beat venoninho0 in AikidoBigDojoa.tbm 2-0

Ps: I had 2hp, so that means I deal double damage...
Points updated, daily cap reset. Activity check has struck, following people have lost some lives:
Crollex: -1
PixelateTori: -1
Swepples: -2
Insanity: -2
Slick: -2
ZeDerpyOne: -1
Finesse: -2
Hecate: -2
Dumbn00b: -1
Vinyl: -2
Kore: -2
PepesSon: -2
Kefix: -2
Smaguris: -2
MoldyRobot: -2
Stone: -2
iTemp: -2
Hypez: -2
filippe01: -2
Hannw: -2
Granby: -2
DaNewNinja: -2
Mercurit: -1
FleshMon: -2
Nulu: -2
Diamond: -2
Valha: -2
Charism: -2
Dmonst8: -2
N3WB: -2
Grim: -2
Martin: -1
Nikev2: -2
Parasite: -2
KokJun: -2
KidJay: -2
LeB3ast: -2
dragon5556: -2
Necessity: -1
Arkanite: -2
Sick: -2
Aubrey: -2 (He did play the games but they didn't count)
Last edited by AssassinPro; Dec 20, 2016 at 08:43 PM.
Originally Posted by Linvium View Post
Assassinpro, I have 1 win, not 2...

double damage = double points.