Thx for the infos animal.
Good to hear that he's ok so far. Send em big greetings from the ol' Viper if u phone em or contact em w/e way.
Me need chrissie....whoever should I maltreat if not him?
Check my Soundcloud ;)
I maybe visit him in two weeks or so xD
he is just 2 by car away from me
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
hi aeon
yes, its me
yes im ok
no, i don't remember most of you guys

i will be in hospial for 3 weeks, and you won't be able to visit me lars because i get to krefeld, thats nearer to home for my family.

if you want me to remember you just pm me, tell me about you, i may remember :/

good to be on again, i missed oyu guys, even if i can't remember
oh man your so strange boy in the hospital and in the Forum I'M so damn proud of you homie
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Originally Posted by Analwache View Post
hi aeon
yes, its me
yes im ok
no, i don't remember most of you guys

i will be in hospial for 3 weeks, and you won't be able to visit me lars because i get to krefeld, thats nearer to home for my family.

if you want me to remember you just pm me, tell me about you, i may remember :/

good to be on again, i missed oyu guys, even if i can't remember

your ok im in hospital too only no one has visited me in like 3 days
btw howd you get hurt? i got hit by a car and part of it stuck into my leg
Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
lets go bro !!!

ok here some news from Chris:
He is something like ok again his head had some strange damage so he can't remind some things but he will get his laptop again today xDD
he maybe will check the forum sometimes lets see

oh and he will be in the hospital for 3 weeks

Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn, ..
oh my god. this is horrible ..
i hope he will be back soon ..
i just can't say anything right now .. i'm like .. hm ..

Peace Out.

Hope you will be back so far as it get bro ..

[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
Originally Posted by Analwache View Post
hi aeon
yes, its me
yes im ok
no, i don't remember most of you guys

i will be in hospial for 3 weeks, and you won't be able to visit me lars because i get to krefeld, thats nearer to home for my family.

if you want me to remember you just pm me, tell me about you, i may remember :/

good to be on again, i missed oyu guys, even if i can't remember

Biiiig hug for my little chris...nice to see you bro.
If u don't remember me...I'm the old grandfather of all

Ok..even if it is against the forum-rulez...some german words to you my friend:

Chris, gute Besserung mein Freund. Ich hoffe Du kommst schnell wieder auf die Beine, wen soll ich denn sonst hier ärgern?
Ich drück Dir alle Daumen die ich hab das nichts zurückbleibt und Deine Erinnerungen wieder zurückkommen. Gute Besserung auch von meiner Family.
Hau rein junge..wir brauchen Dich hier!!!

Sry for the non-german-members....sometimes it's easier to express myself at my own language..specially at such moments.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Go gain some muscular mass and disciplin! (army veteran talking xD)

Haha you guys are forced to go to military?
We get to choose which seems ok but you always see those awkward army commercials on TV...