I think that we shoud have 1 leader, 2 co-leaders and one council of 5 members {including leaders/co-leaders}.
Ok, I'm applying for co-leader/council member.

I know that I am a new member of the organization, but I think that I would be a great co-leader (or council member). I am a good artist and a good toribash player. Also, I am going to be active on this thread and very active on IRC. I could do criticism on art/replays. If I can't be co-leader, I would like to be a council member/some kind of moderator, because I am pretty mature, and could help with many things.
Last edited by xNiLL; Mar 16, 2010 at 04:56 PM.
OSHI | [black] | GATA
My deviantART
It does the decisions of the clan. For example, it would have most power on accepting members, kicking/banning members, giving infractions and these things. It would 'regulate' the clan.
OSHI | [black] | GATA
My deviantART