View Poll Results: hello?
1,000,094 Votes / 99.99%
not usa
90 Votes / 0.01%
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Just noticed your sig and it made me remember how pissed you were when your tc got sunk when you were banned.

Did they ever give you a valid reason as to why they did it?
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Yo what's yalls favorite rap album or any album I guess. Mine is either teenwitch by bones or acid rap by chance the rspper
Originally Posted by Tristan View Post
BRO. Slap my ass on that Ally list

Posting ally requests is against the rules, but will do.

Originally Posted by Whut View Post
Yo what's yalls favorite rap album or any album I guess. Mine is either teenwitch by bones or acid rap by chance the rspper

I like Kid Cudi a lot, any of his albums are good, i have an entire Youtube playlist dedicated to him, has most of his singles and everything.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Rap makes me shrivel up and die. My favorite album is pretty odd by panic at the disco. Imagine the beetles but upgraded and amazing.
Imagine the beetles but upgraded and amazing.

die pls. Beetles are my shit!
Rescudo is the only sentient being in the server-iRookie
Apply for (Ne)
Hi, since a lot of us have trouble voting on applications and such, i have decided to make a little council based on deciding the fate of our applicants.

This council will be composed of:


If you would like to be added to the council in the future, voting more on the clan thread would be a good start. The list is currently composed of those who i find most capable to make decisions, so if you'd like to have that reputation then go at it.

Also, almost forgot to mention, but the people currently in the council that are non-leaders/co-leaders will have a specific rank

I should also mention that being able to work your way into the council can potentially get you a spot as co-leader in the future, it's about time I've started to make a legit ranking system :v
Last edited by Triton; Oct 23, 2015 at 03:57 AM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
yay am in council. i luv u triton bbg.

whut, i love that chance the rapper album. I liked cocoa butter kisses the best, liked paranoia, and more what's your fav songs on it?

Also hello all New era, a lot of you guys know me so I hope i can post here and get to know some of you guys and get to know some of you guys better!

Also I had to edit this post because triton sent me death threats over skype if I didn't edit it. Please start a New Era revelation and over throw Triton, and behead him.
Last edited by sledgren; Oct 23, 2015 at 04:58 AM.