Does anybody know an anime as random as Baka to Test to Shokanjuu? I really enjoyed that one.
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Does anybody know an anime as random as Baka to Test to Shokanjuu? I really enjoyed that one.

Not if you haven't watched boku wa tomodachi na sukunai. However there are some really good manga.
Martial arts extreme hell private high school (Korean and purely fucking awesome)
Hell's kitchen
Franken fran
Hammer session
God of bath (Korean)
Tripeace (guy dresses up like a girl to fight war, doesn't get better than this)
Dark air
Omani master Kurosawa (about a school toilet wanker, actually great in a lot of ways apart from humor)
Sayonara zestubou sensei (about a suicidal teacher)

I know a few more but I'm already getting carried away e.e
The third one is probably the best, to be frank.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
No Game No Life is really good, reminds me a lot of Problem Children (which by the way needs more seasons).

Anyone have any recommendations for similar anime?

Have watched btooom too, but thats not as good.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Does anybody know an anime as random as Baka to Test to Shokanjuu? I really enjoyed that one.

try D-Frag or Fujimura kun meitsu or Aizawa-san Zoushoku
For D-Frag i recommend the manga

i think both of them is quite random
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
No Game No Life, wai u no complete D: I can't wait a week for next episode. I want it nooowwwwwwww

Edit: akuma no riddle is going too fast. Not enough time to enjoy the girls. Also, anybody watching that draganar whasit thing? My god it's basically one step away from hentai.
Last edited by Oracle; Apr 26, 2014 at 02:59 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games

This anime makes me want to punch myself in the dick. I can barely stand it. Seriously holy shit. Fuck you Raku, fuck you Onodera.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Hunter X Hunter 2011 Episode 126

This may be one of the best, if not the best,
episode/battle in anime history!


Also, it's official, the Hunter X Hunter Manga is
resuming in June! (Though I only own the first
volume of the Manga)

OMG ive been waiting for ages for this announcement lol. HxH my fac anime all time. Anyone know how many ore arcs does Hxh have efore ending?
Started Noragami. It's pretty interesting.

Originally Posted by masterx3 View Post
OMG ive been waiting for ages for this announcement lol. HxH my fac anime all time. Anyone know how many ore arcs does Hxh have efore ending?

I've only read the first volume of the Manga,
so I'm not entirely sure, but I think there
may be two more arcs, but I don't think they
are especially long ones.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
So I know more than a few of you are watching No Game No Life. How 'bout dat 4th episode? Seems like this is going to be one of those 24-ish episode long series if that last bit isn't going to get rushed.

Seriously hoping it's not gonna skimp with the progression by lumping stuff together. None of that No More Heroes "oh they were rank 20 through 10" bullcrap.

Fucking a though, I want it to be released faster ;_;
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
So I know more than a few of you are watching No Game No Life. How 'bout dat 4th episode? Seems like this is going to be one of those 24-ish episode long series if that last bit isn't going to get rushed.

Seriously hoping it's not gonna skimp with the progression by lumping stuff together. None of that No More Heroes "oh they were rank 20 through 10" bullcrap.

Fucking a though, I want it to be released faster ;_;

Sorry but its just a 12 ep anime.