When you start off there is no need to try anything special. Just play with what the game gives you and win a few matches, learn the game etc...I am new to this game too and this is how I am playing it right now. Do the daily quests, make some coins and open packs! It is a very long grind unless you open packs but hopefully The Arena and the Tavern Brawl are enough to keep you playing. I hope to have at least 1 custom deck by Christmas ^^.

Also, feel free to add me if you are on an EU server: [email protected]
Unless you're willing to drop a large amount of money on the game, don't expect your deck to look anything like a meta deck for a long time (unless you're playing zoolock, but that's because zoolock is pretty much the epitome of budget + efficiency). Heck, I've been playing for over a year now and I'm still trying to get all the crucial Classic cards, let alone most of the crucial expansion cards.

Which is why most of my decks are basically attempts at the lulz. It doesn't matter if I'm rarely going to get the perfect setup of Sylvannas into Shadowstepped Moatlurker into next turn Brann into Unearthed Raptor copying Moatlurker into Unearthed Raptor copying the previous Raptor, the point is that if it ever happens, I'm going to have 7 Sylvanni on the field if they play a board clear. And that's hilarious if it ever happens.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I am such a beginner, all of what Oracle said made no sense.

I am going to start watching Kripparian or Trump and just learn and improve.

This is quite a popular game, I am surprised I didn't start playing before.
Calling it now, jade golem Druid becomes the c'thun Druid of last expansion for : overplayed as shit in the first month, too slow to compete by 4
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
It has potential if they can make tempo jade golem druid, but I don't think the cards exist to support that. Certain aggro decks (namely pirate warrior) got a large buff from this set, and midrange in general got buffed because of grimy goons, and the stat line on most of the jade golem cards aren't good enough to survive that early pressure.

Lovin the Kabal though. Cashed in my saved up cards to dust and made myself a renohandlock and a renomage deck. Contemplating renoshadowpriest, but I don't know if I want to invest too much into priest until I see how it stabilizes after Blackrock phases out.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I piloted pirate warrior to rank 2 prior to the humongous buff so I plan to ladder with it ASAP
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
1/2 pirate for 1 that becomes 3/2 with weapon is hero of set for pirate decks.

As well as Patches.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games