Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
If I were a doctor, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I had purpousfully killed someone by removing their heart or other vital organs.

Just so you know, vital organ transplants usually occur after brain death of the donor. A surgeon in charge of the transplant might not be the one performing the execution, unless they planned it that way so it would be easier.

But the point you brought up is pretty interesting. I wonder if the life of the organ recipient would be enough to justify these executions to people. I'd like to ask a surgeon, but it's a rather morbid question.
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I would say that ulimately this is a good idea. Not killing criminals specifically to acquire organs, but consider the following:

-I am 99.9999% sure the crime the person comit to have the death penalty sentenced to him was a Felony. And probably one of the most heinous acts at that.

-Once commiting such a harsh felony, we lose many of our rights and liberties, such as the ability to vote

Wouldn't it make sense that the right to have a say in what happens to your body when you die could also be lost? This act could be just the criminals final act of repayment to the community for the acts they did.

Keep in mind: These people didn't steal a candy bar. They were mass murderers, rapists, abusers, and evils you can't possibly imagine. They aren't going to use their organs after they are dead either way. Part of the sentence could force the offender to be an organ donor. Killed many lives? Well: You're going to potentially save a few as part of your payment back to the community.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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Ya I say it should be done their fault so they dont get their organs no more. So why dont anyone do this alredy? Are they dumb and havent thought about it lol?
I thought over about it when I was only 6, I reached to the conclusion that it is a good idea...but it will bring out lotta deaths...and trade of organs will increase at a great rate.

When rates of organs will be going up and down, the fight for organs will bring out even more deaths...there will be cases of stolen organs...killing for organs...Unnecessary deaths all round.

Death to the stealer of organ which will make their organs disappear...quenching more thirst of the organ market.

All matter does not go to the right place, people are not all right...some are wrong...and they do wrong deeds for sake of some money which they think is everything. Many organs from the criminals will go to the organ market. That is why I fear the use of this severe method.

but it is still a good method. I dont care about the carnage that follows...For I was 6 year old when I thought that...

As for now I dont care what I thought was right or not.

I'd still hit that.
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Ya I say it should be done their fault so they dont get their organs no more. So why dont anyone do this alredy? Are they dumb and havent thought about it lol?

More or less because it raises questions to moral standards and has to go trough the goverment first. Making this a choosable option would be great. I think the problem is more about what the inmates thinks before they get exicuted rather than how it actually happens.
No seriously, just do it...there is no need of disscussion...They're gonna die anyway.
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
Just dropping this in here, but I think muslims aren't actually allowed to donate their organs -> extremist muslim is given death sentence -> religious unrest like a motherfucker.

This'd probably cause more TERRERIST BOMBINGS
I would tihnk that you would need to be a U.S. citizen to have your organs donated anyways.

Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Just dropping this in here, but I think muslims aren't actually allowed to donate their organs -> extremist muslim is given death sentence -> religious unrest like a motherfucker.

This'd probably cause more TERRERIST BOMBINGS

While I agree with IceShadow one can still counterpoint this post.

If they are muslims, then they died in sacrifice of doing their religious duty "killing people..etc.". So that wouldn't bring religious conflict. If they aren't, well then, the acts the did to get there will probably get them to hell either way no?
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