O_O omg, LOLOLOL!!!! too funny!!!! i love the cat that looks all serious and says "This is a serious thread" LOL

this is the lol-thread!!! no the serious funnies...

XD too funny!!!!!

it would be great if you could use less caps ~destiny


Sorry destiny i'll fix it!
Last edited by FishOfMan; Dec 13, 2009 at 12:29 AM.
Once a rush for freedom, now, bloodlust.
Shop Noob, Guarenteed half prices!
it would be great if you could use less caps ~destiny
-- heres where awesome face started off--- cyanide and happiness pwns---
Last edited by eightah; Dec 12, 2009 at 11:07 PM.
Wait, what
yes indeed they do lol, im gonna edit this post to post funny christmas pics next. And no wannin, they will not be cats! (Most of them anyway...)

Here they are! I couldn'y stay away from the cats!

THAT'S THAT!!! lol
Last edited by xXWolverineWepXx; Dec 14, 2009 at 01:15 AM.
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
destiny its just jizz in my pants , i seen it ages ago ,and seen it so many times XD and im sure u seen it before
Wait, what