Original Post
[MBO] Minecraft Hunger Games Event
[CENTER]Hello everyone! Time for some Hunger games!

Entry Fee is 450tc and participation fee is 550tc. In total 1k.

Entry fee will be the prize and the participation fee will go to Minecraft Builders Org.

Send all TC to Abdydude

Events will be held when 12 people register.

Questions? PM nick13349 or Abdydude for details.

Once you enter we will PM you the server IP.

Btw this will be held on a server where you will have to have the full game.




[B]We have more than one time because some people live at gmt+'s and some in gmt-'s. You may come to the one that is suitable for you.

Have Fun!

Prize is all of the entry fee!
Last edited by Abdy; Oct 24, 2012 at 06:51 AM.
Ok. We'll do that. That means 24 members are needed unless some people want to join both.
MBO | TABD | Team America | TGO | PS3 | oofun4 <3 | Cozza
Can i join?
I don't have enough money to pay the fee >:
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Fee is 500tc for MBO members. Sorry the fee is required. All tc goes to MBBank.
MBO | TABD | Team America | TGO | PS3 | oofun4 <3 | Cozza
Originally Posted by nick13349 View Post
Fee is 500tc for MBO members. Sorry the fee is required. All tc goes to MBBank.

I paid 1000. D:
So all we need is 12 members (24 if cracked, less if both wanna join)
mindless machine
No fee for all members is 1000 now. When we get 12 members in one of the server we are going to do it.
Originally Posted by Abdydude View Post
No fee for all members is 1000 now. When we get 12 members in one of the server we are going to do it.

K good, because I would've said you could keep the extra if we didn't.

So are we hosting 2?
One for Premium and one for Cracked?
mindless machine
Minecraft Username: Oofun4
Age: 15
PvP Skill: 10/10 (if it doesnt lagg that much)
Gmt: +3
Sent 1k to Abdydude.
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit