Lol, it's not fair to compare my reasoning to Lordtiger's!

Lordtiger is Wal-Mart
I'm just a free T-shirt on the ground -.-

Oh and Pitcher, does the PS3 really have better graphics?
I wouldn't know because I have a piece of crap TV to play on
Last edited by Vate; Sep 21, 2011 at 10:45 PM.
@Vate : Bah,my reasoning is not that great.When I have to come up with a plan or I'm discussing philosophy/religion/possibilities with some of my interested friends,that's when sh*t gets serious.There are recordings of people who know what they are talking about on the internet,Lawrence Krauss(I highly recommend "A universe from nothing") and Dean Leysen(his entire Youtube channel is full of quality content).Anywho,getting sidetracked here.

Now about the PS3,I consider it better.Several reasons for that.
  • Free online multiplayer(if you want premium content,there is a subscription option).
  • Blu-ray Player.Yep.Xbox 360 used HD-DVD for a time.Maximum disc capacity - 15 GB.PS3 used Blu-ray since the beginning and is still using it now.Maximum capacity - 60 gb(I read an article somewhere saying that 400gb capacity blu-ray disks are being developed).
  • Region-free games.Meaning that you could by something from Europe and play it on a US console(as long as you use an HDTV).Can't do that with Xbox 360.
  • No Red Ring Of Death.Sure,they have Yellow Light Of Death,but it is extremely rare.Just google RROD,and then YLOD.Xbox 360 consoles at the beginning had a failure rate of 33%.After a console was repaired,it had an even better chance of failing.Plus,overheating when on for a few hours ? I've had my Ps3 running for several days(while using a slow connection to move files through FTP) and I could barely hear the thing(and I have the old 80GB model)
  • More and higher-quality games(my opinion). I mean mostly the exclusives by that.The only games I regret not being to play on Xbox 360 is Alan Wake(same creator as the Max Payne series,which I adore).Some people like Halo,but meh.I've seen enough shooters in my lifetime and I don't find anything particularly good in this series(and I've seen gameplay videos).And now,the PS3 Exclusives : Demon's Souls(RPG),God Of War III(hack'n'slash,and I dare you to find something in Xbox 360 that looks as amazing as this game),Heavenly Sword(hack'n'slash),Heavy Rain(Interactive drama,I love it to pieces),inFAMOUS 1 and 2(superhero games,I love them to pieces),Killzone 2 and 3,Resistance : FoM,2 and 3(for the shooter fans),Metal Gear Solid 4(The entire MGS series are PS exclusive[while ports do exist],and are famous for being awesome),the Motorstorm series(awesome over-the-top offroad games),Yakuza 3 and 4(fighter/rpg,I heart them),The Uncharted series(Uncharted 2 won most of the GOTY awards when it was introduced) ... I'm sure I'm missing something,but you get the point.The Playstation 3 exclusives are simply better and more diverse.

The only thing I didn't like at the beginning is that multiplatform games looked worse on the PS3.The reason is that it uses an innovative cell processor technology,which is considerably better than what the Xbox 360 uses(the Xbox tech is very similar to what most computers use),but it is really hard to write code for.It also has less video memory than the Xbox 360 has,but it runs at a much higher frequency,so it doesn't make a big difference.I once again urge you to look at God of War III,Heavy Rain or Uncharted 2 gameplay to see what the machine is actually capable of.Sony is much more supportive of indie games,which developers appreciate.There are multiple high-quality minigames on the PS store,and from what I've played they are fun.Joe Danger,Echochrome,etc.

Well,there goes another rant.Hope you enjoy this reasoning.Also,I've started playing Fahrenheit on my laptop.The same guy who wrote and directed Heavy Rain is behind it,and it's made by the same studio.And it's f*cking awesome.In the US,the game is called Indigo Prophecy.That's a censored version,with some nudity and content removed.Since I don't believe I should play a game that's regulated and cut up by someone else's standarts,I got the EU version and I'll continue enjoying it now
Last edited by lordtiger; Sep 22, 2011 at 12:54 PM. Reason: fixed punctuation,'cause I'm just cool like that
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lordtiger said it all...all though, the new Dell computer i got is more better than my ps3 in many things, it has a blu-ray player like ps3, its has 9x more hard drive space,(pc-950gb,ps3-120gb),and vate, your not alone, i play on a shity little TV too, and my computer screen is better than that,(pc screen-40inc and its HD, TV screen-40inc non-HD).
Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
@Doomjoshua: Eh,I don't like motion sensing much.Jumping,ducking and waving my arms around in front of a TV is retarded in my eyes.Give me a solid comfortable gamepad and I'm good.Not to mention that Kinect is a complete ripoff of EyeToy,which was introduced in the PS2 era(and has been around since 2003).Improving the camera is hardly a great feat,but because of Microsoft's vast finances they are able to advertise it better.Not that I care much,I don't enjoy motion sensing of any kind(even the PS Move).

I've always liked Sony's consoles better,but I have played on Xboxes too.My PS1 works fine to this day.Can't say that about any of my friend's boxes xD Get whatever you like best and be happy with it

Lol man, the first time I tried Kinect was darn tiring. I played kinect adventures and you do some jumping stuff. But It was Fun.
I'm playing the game of life and I only have one life and no re-spawns, it's fucking hard.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
kicks... 99% sure that you could kill a bit more "serious" thread with that one XD
and yeah now i remember! I forgot one important game Legend of Zelda: ocarina of time (3D too) :P its just a classic game
Last edited by 2pro4you; Sep 22, 2011 at 04:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Originally Posted by Vate View Post
does the PS3 really have better graphics?
I wouldn't know because I have a piece of crap TV to play on

Yeah it does.
But PC right now are monsters. Get a Pc with 8gb ram, GTX 590 and an Intel I7 and your computer would be 1381318391318 times better than PS3 graphics and gameplay.
Eh,PC always wins ... because of the simple fact that it is upgradeable.You can't upgrade your console to improve it,and they come out with more than a 5 year gap between them.On the other hand,new better,faster and improved PC components come out every other day.It is impossible for consoles to keep up in any department this way.However,I still prefer consoles for gaming.I only play Toribash,some shooters and real-time strategies(Rise of Nations,Command & Conquer Red Alert/Generals ans so on)on PC.That's where PC's shine because they use a mouse,and it is more precise than any any analog stick.However,I find almost all other games more enjoyable to play with a gamepad(you can press more buttons at the same time).For example a racing game.You can't tell the car to go a little bit to the left with a keyboard,you have to constantly tap it.You can do that with a gamepad,though.

On games : Little Fighter 2 and 2.5(a mod) for PC are free and extremely enjoyable games,I highly recommend them.Firzen rox.Pure old-school fun
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