View Poll Results: which operating system do you think is better?
29 Votes / 43.94%
16 Votes / 24.24%
21 Votes / 31.82%
Voters: 66. You may not vote on this poll
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Windows, the most common operating system for Personal Computers, and it'll likely stay like that way for awhile. Especially since it is the best OS for gaming right now. Despite quite a few problems.
(Many have ways around it.) I.E. : Viruses, use reliable antivirus and browse safely.

See, more malware is created for Windows because it's more common than OSX or Linux.
The point is to affect as many as possible.
If OSX were to be more common than Windows, it is likely that will be the main target for Viruses and such.

i have made this inference with the votes, as everybody knows, windows is the most common OS, and most people vote for windows, i believe this to be why, if most computers come with windows, then most people have never tried OS X, and linux.

think before you vote people!

also, as my experience lately, i have had a virus (though it only lasted for 2 days, thank god) that didn't let my browse the internet correctly except with AOL and mozzila firefox

i was able to subdue it and keep using google chrome, but as this virus was active, every computer that used our router was infected except my sis's mac and my desktop (active with linux) i don't know if this has something to do with the OS itself ( i know it does with mac, but i've never installed a antivirus with my desktop and i'm not sure if it has its own security) but my freinds laptop and my mom's pc both have windows XP and are equiped with McAfee (sorry for my spelling) again i'm not sure if it was windows or McAfee that failed in keeping the virus in check, but i'm sure my statement holds some type of fact

and "camoxodka" i didn't expect your avatar to move, and when it did, i nearly shat in my pants
Last edited by waffle85; Dec 14, 2010 at 10:45 PM.
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
Linux can be made to be compatible with nearly anything, and is a good OS for programmers and developers.

OSX and Windows pretty much came from the same OS nope and then went in different directions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Although windows has decided to try and copy OSX features recently, which is a bad move in my opinion. no: they're both copying various linux distro features.

Personally, I prefer OSX, and Macs in general, because, for their price, they beat most PC's in terms of processing power, and other things. However, having them custom built is a complete pain. Macs are incredibly expensive for the hardware you get, building a pc with windows/linux yourself only requires plugging parts in (wires count as parts). Having one custom built these days is as easy as going on a website, choosing your parts and then going through the standard ordering process.

Macs, and OSX because of Logic, which is possibly the greatest music software (for decent price) out there. And because I can run windows natively on a Mac anyways, for all the programs not available on OSX. And with Codeweaver software becoming better, I might get rid of Windows all together.

But really it just comes down to personal preference.

I'm just giving some simple reasons. Mebbe latter I'll go into more detail, but Good Ol' Gorm has done it already.

response in bold...
Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
Yes there is something wrong with that statement: Having people willing to pay for it doesn't make the price fairer or more justifiable. Plus a lot of people who buy a mac don't look like they'll produce anything to do with media. Just saying.

To me people buy macs because they can.
Originally Posted by MARDOBOY View Post
To me people buy macs because they can.

They buy it because it's an Apple product. Apple have been incredibly smart with their marketing. They can sell an inferior product to a fairly sizeable demographic for around 80% more than it should cost, and people keep on returning for more.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
They buy it because it's an Apple product. Apple have been incredibly smart with their marketing. They can sell an inferior product to a fairly sizeable demographic for around 80% more than it should cost, and people keep on returning for more.

Lets not be too hasty there Onamist.

Macs may be more expensive for hardware, but lets not forget that their design is elegant, far more so than any PC.

OSX may not be 'absolutely better' than W7, but I think you would be hard pressed to argue that OSX running on a Max is worse than W7 running on a PC.
Macs are designed to run OSX, PCs are designed to be powerful.

The control that Apple has over the environments they sell is far more than Microsoft could imagine, and that really tells.

You can't compare specs and say "well obviously Macs are overpriced by 80%".

Apple is selling a lot more than 'just specs'.
That isn't to say it still isn't overpriced (it costs $300 to get an extra gig of ram ).

I think for a lot of users Mac is a better fit than PC.

You may thing "only sheep choose Mac", but really, for sheep, Mac is the better choice. They buy in to the name and the controlled environment, not the specs.
Now days computers are more than just a means, they are an accessory, like sunglasses or one of those painterly hats.
Hipsters love the white glossy Macs.

Maybe PCs will gain some ground as being 'retro'. But honestly most of them look like shit, so not much chance there.*

i really dont have an opinion, but the mac can run windows... and also to everyone who HASEN'T in there life ever used both mac and pc and linux u really have no say in anything...
As someone who uses all three on a regular basis, they've all matured to the point where they are all great, but very different. OSX is probably my favorite, but I'm not into the apple hardware that much. My main pc runs Windows 7 and I play a lot of games on it and use hardware intensive programs quite often. Because of this I have a pretty powerful processor and stuff. In some cases though, like the adobe suite, the weaker Macs that I use at school render more quickly. The controlled environment of a Mac also tends to run usb peripherals with less problems (wacom tablets, midi keyboards, etc). For my laptop I run linux because it's a lot lighter and lets me do more with the limited hardware.

All in all each has it's own strengths and weaknesses that are completely different and I don't want to have to pick only one to use forever.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
i agree War, i don't really use mac's but i do use linux and windows for various things and where one fails at achieving the task i can generally get the other to finish. linux has it's uses as does windows and mac, as i've stated before if you want a video/picture editing computer go with mac. they're great for overall editing and rendering and have (debatable) better software for those areas than windows or linux.

i mean overall it comes down to personal opinion but in my opinion i see windows as gaming/programming, mac as video/picture editing/rendering, linux as various (depends on which build you get and for what purpose it was made.)
You don't say?
MacOSX is best for work. Very nice, comfortable, and fast system. Way better for web browsing than Windows. Never tried Linux though (scared that, if I am not a programmer, my life will suck with it =D)
Just a beetroot >.>
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
i agree War, i don't really use mac's but i do use linux and windows for various things and where one fails at achieving the task i can generally get the other to finish. linux has it's uses as does windows and mac, as i've stated before if you want a video/picture editing computer go with mac. they're great for overall editing and rendering and have (debatable) better software for those areas than windows or linux.

I think all the standard high end programs for video/picture editing are cross platform.

Originally Posted by Beetroot View Post
MacOSX is best for work. Very nice, comfortable, and fast system. Way better for web browsing than Windows. Never tried Linux though (scared that, if I am not a programmer, my life will suck with it =D)

Better for web browsing...?
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