15th of August (remastered application)

dear [Tank],

This is Lampito, you don't know me and I don't know you. But Rome wasn't built in a day and you hear them say, the perfect clan application doesn't exist. So here's the perfect one.

Lampito, tell me to explain the name to you and I'll disconnect from the server- But today I'm going to tell you..
The name was an inspiration of when a young not as hot, Selena Gomez said "Lampito" as an answer to the Spanish translation of Lamp. And that's where I got it from. You read it here first. You can watch that moment on the link below.

Lampito (0:10)

My Tinder Bio

As far as personal information goes, I'm 18 bouta head off to college to study business. Cool story right. I like smoking weed, women, expensive clothes and making that cash money(with an ethical conscious, duh). People tell me I'm a bit of douche, but I don't see it. I like to be real, that's all.

In-Game Skills

I've been hooked on aikido and any mods around that setting(greykido, abd). I have a lot of experience in aikido. My weakness would be expanding my skills to reach the more hip mods like judofrac, boxshumushu, lenshu, etc.

I don't have replays to show you, but I've been on ConCon doing a pretty shitty replay you can check that out here: (shoutout to ConCon wherever he be)

Replay (0:07)

Why I want to join:

I like doing war and reppin a clan what can I say. Plus I dig the name <3. Yall not that active, but time can fix that.


Last edited by Lampito; Aug 15, 2019 at 10:45 PM.
Originally Posted by Lampito View Post
15th of August (remastered application)

dear [Tank],

This is Lampito, you don't know me and I don't know you. But Rome wasn't built in a day and you hear them say, the perfect clan application doesn't exist. So here's the perfect one.

Lampito, tell me to explain the name to you and I'll disconnect from the server- But today I'm going to tell you..
The name was an inspiration of when a young not as hot, Selena Gomez said "Lampito" as an answer to the Spanish translation of Lamp. And that's where I got it from. You read it here first. You can watch that moment on the link below.

Lampito (0:10)

My Tinder Bio

As far as personal information goes, I'm 18 bouta head off to college to study business. Cool story right. I like smoking weed, women, expensive clothes and making that cash money(with an ethical conscious, duh). People tell me I'm a bit of douche, but I don't see it. I like to be real, that's all.

In-Game Skills

I've been hooked on aikido and any mods around that setting(greykido, abd). I have a lot of experience in aikido. My weakness would be expanding my skills to reach the more hip mods like judofrac, boxshumushu, lenshu, etc.

I don't have replays to show you, but I've been on ConCon doing a pretty shitty replay you can check that out here: (shoutout to ConCon wherever he be)

Replay (0:07)

Why I want to join:

I like doing war and reppin a clan what can I say. Plus I dig the name <3. Yall not that active, but time can fix that.


My names tank i woul dlike to join Candy] i make replays and i got exponentially worse at multi player over this past month please say yes thanks
Ready for the [REV]olution
Nova, 19, EST
Interests: MMA, Extreme sports & basketball, literature, lots of exotic demon lettuce, Vector art, Tricking/pk

Reason why I got back into is this game is because I wanted to learn more realism stuff (MMA, Pk etc.) But I main ABD wit sum Lenshu. If I post anything in forum its most likely a suggestion/bug or contest entry otherwise, I just stay in the dojo and keep a low profile. My humor kinda dark like my skin so those are the only problems people typically have with me xD

P.S the name comes from that one time ppl thought a banhammer would be my demise lol I just didn't want my name shortened to Ban, and I like puns.

You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.
Last edited by Shogunna; Sep 5, 2019 at 03:24 AM. Reason: Stay in the dojo.
walah walah muda muda
Name:Emil , ign:regva (this name has the silliest story you will get to know later in the app)
Discord: CSGOD#0273
Activity:Every day I find time to play,currently working at a supermarket and starting university very soon

Well I've found the game back in 2009 or 2010 when I was a little kiddo but forgot my account so I made a new one under this name which is a slang for making a registration in Bulgarian,I like listening to lots of music,working out A LOT(got several injuries) and playing on my pc but recently decided to start toribash again and ditch all other games,really good at cs:go and a decent league player but really hot headed.
My friends couldn't get into the game because of the learning curve and the patience required so I'm looking for ingame friends to play with.
Ingame the mods I play mostly are abd and boxshu but most comfortable at abd ,and want to learn to spar better.Replaymaking is a thing I try once in a while but currently don't have any singleplayer replays(New pc)

More about me:
I really love working out.Fitness,street workout,basketball,cycling,runing and my job at a market are my main energy spenders.
Can't live a day without music and I'm into almost everything from extreme death metal stuff to jazz and love songs.
I'll be trying to pursue a career as a web developer or live my life as a fitness junkie whatever finds me earlier.
Pc building is a side hobby of mine.
Most of all I like learning things myself,not getting taught a way.

I have no toribash youtube videos,but I do have a channel with different videos,replays will be down in the app.

The reason I want to join?
Friends and community,since 2010 I keep coming back but I want to stick to it and find reason to not leave at all,Convict contacted me in the tori discord after seeing I'm looking for a clan.
Replays down there
Attached Files
firstspar.rpl (467.8 KB, 2 views)
gimme the head.rpl (49.3 KB, 2 views)
gooddecap.rpl (35.9 KB, 2 views)
imperialbyluck.rpl (79.3 KB, 3 views)
lenshusave.rpl (50.0 KB, 2 views)
dat bois app
Ayyo hopefully future friends and clan members.

My name is Kamron, I am 19yrs old and I have played toribash since 2013 and my original account is Lurk but since coming back to the game recently i have decided to essentially retire that account. I'm using this old one I've had just because i wanted to change it up and i like the name as well. I always am listening to music because i dont know what life would be without music and i am not currently going to school at the moment but plan on taking classes in the near future. I also currently work at PetSmart to make some monies for bills and etc.

Back in the day I would play this game quite a bit and I'd like to think i became quite decent at the game in my prime but still trying to find my way back to that stage rn lmao. I've had my fair share of being in clans such as Metal, All Stars, Ink and even led a clan called le with my good bud Donkey. Those are just a few i've been in and i know that isn't all of them but its just to show my experience i've had with clans and my main role in those clans was warring because that was when wars were more common then they are now.

I have met a couple of The Revolution members in game such as Bagel and Convict. I'd like to think that we got along and had a good time. I also know a couple of others already in the clan such as Haloyoung, me and him have been in clans together, and i've played against Trestet quite a bit in the past. As the people i've known and those i've met i'm a pretty decent person i guess lmao i am pretty chill but i do like to trash talk when it is initiated by someone else so i'm not afraid of that aspect of the game. Other then that like i said i'm pretty laid back and not much bothers me besides ignorance.

My best and only mod I really play is Aikido based mods so I'm not too versatile but i'd like to think after not playing for a while i am still pretty decent considering it was all i played really. I don't offer anything like replay making or anything of the sorts unfortunately.

I would like to join The Revolution because from the members I have met and already know I know what kind of clan this is gonna be and what the future holds for it. If i am accepted i would love to be a part of it and help further the places this clan can go by doing whatever i can. I would also like to be a part of the clan because i've been in some pretty great ones and i enjoy the pact and brotherhood of a sense that a clan brings, every has every ones back and is there when ya need them and having people to play and grow with is always a great thing to have in a game.

only videos ive been in was a concon top 5 insane fights lol and sorry if my app sucks i havent made one in a long time :////

“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”
Last edited by Ruo; Sep 18, 2019 at 03:53 AM.