Originally Posted by lolpants View Post
man. Do we have like a member status and power list like what each rank has power wise? if not i could make one.

*EDIT: "You seriously tought It was a democracy? oO" - Psyckho.
Well I kinda thought that what we had going was similar to such. maybe like what the Greeks had. Or maybe the French Revolution ( minus the 800 beheadings a day <- true fact learned that in wrld. History class) where basically the lower classmen had some influence over the overall decision of the gov't. *

I was just kidding. Of course you guys opinion is important to me =p
Grand Overseer of VorteX
Lets do russian Gov't Communism FAWK YEA! (lol no)

Or when Stalin was leader (Im in full powah!) jk's even worse no.
He killed 20 million (average about 1,000 each day due to purges, starvation, disease- its his fault he took away everything from everyone basiclly) so thats worse. so really lets just stick to whatever we made up hmm

it seems like democracy (we are the cabinet) and you (president)

it kinda seems because we are ones really suggesting stuff here. you could too but you havent got around to it much :/
Last edited by Polybius; Mar 15, 2011 at 01:38 AM.
I am evil.
Really? Hmm... I Alwasy Though That VorteX Was A Chessecakeocracy :/

-Ontopic- But I Agree That Either Officers Can Recruit And/Or A Co-Leader Is Elected And He/She Can Recruit. *Damn That Was Alot Of /'s*
how dare you call us cheesecake! We are most definately not made of nasty cream cheesy stuff with strawberries on it. You sick person.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Too BAD! No whatever you like is fine. God I love this thread so much.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory