Screw nuclear weaponry, get orbital kinetic weaponry. Much more powerful, much more cheap, no way to shoot it down and no environmental cleanup required.
The only country that uses nuclear devices on cities is the USA. And we've seen what happens. Nuclear warfare has only one end result: massive civilian casualties. At that point it's not fighting a war. In a war you try to eradicate the enemy military force. When nukes are involved it's an attempt at genocide.
Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
i hope nuclear war wipes out all of the world's technological resources. :3

No one noticed this? or are we just ignoring him now?

anyway, nukes are really just a way to scare a country to not go against them, or their allies. I don't see a WW3 happening anytime soon, and hey, the doomsday moved back a minute.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Obama thinks he runs the world he doesn`t really need to threaten the middle east countries from protecting their selfs because he is just trying to ruin the world with his american threats hes just another man who thinks he can cycle the earth with american rules and ignore other countries. He IS setting up a plan for war by sending troops to start a war but first hes trying to weaken other countries hes starting it up in 2013 on his election date or the celebration or whatever its around april 22 so...