Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Depends a bit on how you define life.
If you're lenient, you might be able to call a computer program silicon-based life.

The more picky you are the further done the road it is, but I don't see it being to far off for scientists to possibly be able to create a silicon molecule that, under the right conditions in the right environment, would successfully self-replicate.

Sure, ANYTHING could make life, but making Silicon-based life forms? Yeah, let's let make living Quartz. I don't think so. Aliens could live on silicon and such, but the fact that we humans could create silicon-based life is kinda far out.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
Originally Posted by BlakMuffin View Post
Sure, ANYTHING could make life, but making Silicon-based life forms? Yeah, let's let make living Quartz. I don't think so. Aliens could live on silicon and such, but the fact that we humans could create silicon-based life is kinda far out.

Hell, we're made out of carbon. It isn't as far-fetched as you think. The reason Carbon works so well is the fact that it is easy to bond with, but that doesnt mean it isnt possible for others.
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
Potential end of the world... lol, ive heard a theory that an artificial cell [life (mind of it's own)] would need to multiply, therfore injecting their DNA/RNA into another cell. If this repeats, the number of these artificial cells will grow exponentially, so eventually the whole world will be consumed by transformation of cells. (i noe wtf?)
i hear lots of cr4p from science networks on TV. who wrote the script?
Go kick something