Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Well, if we feel like spending 40k TC for almost nothing... Then okay.

We could name it "EverBlade's spamhole"
Sounds good?


I'm not saying get one!

I'm just saying it would be nice to have.

There is no need to spend 40k for something we don't really need.

If i REALLY want it, I'd offer to pay for it myself XD

But I do like the name....

A lot.

EDIT: I'm not being sarcastic, I would love a private forum to be called "EverBlade's spamhole" XD
How about Blood nights
Once a week, once a month, in one day, all or most of Blood members join in a server together...
To play and talk about appledeers and maybe some random stuff.

Holidays will be here soon, so planning up stuff wouldn't cause problems ;o

What do you think?

EDIT: If enough people agree, then I'll make a new thread for discussion etc
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 11, 2009 at 09:39 AM.
I don't mind staying up late. Getting up early might be a problem, but might be possible.
Clan Blood Leader