I was smacked and it done me well, I respect my parents and the way they run the house. Im going to hit my kids if the get out of line. Its really the best method of Disapline. In my Eyes.
Originally Posted by Shiko View Post
Ahhhh yes...I was spanked by my mom when I was a kid. I hate it when she used to do that....Im totally against spanking, really hitting your own child in the ass, or slapping, or hitting him with slippers....Its not the best idea to do that, unless the kid really deserves it.

That is the idea and reason of spanking. Training your child is like training a dog, if the dog takes a shit in the house, spank it, and then it will learn to wait to go outside.
The spankings are to tell the kids, that they should never do what they did again, because if they are a smart kid, they will know: pulling cat's tail = spank, and etc.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
calequinn it's time to start carrying a Baton. If people always mistreat you you have to let loose sometime. Seriously no three people wanted to fuck with some guy with a 2 foot baton. What are they gonna do other than flee or get whacked in the face a couple of times with a 4 pound weapon.

Anyways, yes you wouldn't get these kids robbing other people if you hit your kids. I'm sure they would never one to get such a beating again will stop what he has done, girls get another kind of discipline.

It's also not about if you like getting spanked or not, but if you stopped doing the annoying thing that got you spanked the spanking is successful. The point is to scare you shitless out of you over the annoying thing that you are doing so it does not happen again.

I didn't pay for 2 years of martial arts training to have to carry a stick around with me xD

Although I do carry a Kubotan on my keys, and some throwing needles sometimes. :/

But that's just for Ninjitsu training of course ;]
when my dad first whooped my ass with
his paddle i was lol never bad again
i hate the idea of spanking but when
they aren't behaving its
a last resort to punishing your kids
well, Firstly,there is a difference ,,A smack and a flogging,
A smack is fine in my book,A flogging is not.
(A smack is the hand moving no more than 30 center meters)

A little true story.
Just the other day a 4 year old child ran from his parents and was hit by a car,when the parents were asked what form of discipline they used,the mother replied, we don't believe in hitting or that kind of thing,The police officer replied,na,you would rather him hit by a car,wouldn't you,well,the mother was shocked ,as was everyone else for what the officer said,,,However you can see there point,it would have been better for the child to get a smack(or not to run off or you get one) than get hit by a car,because if the child knows there in for a smack,or will get hurt,then chances are they wont do it. Also,you idiots,A child noes nothing about death,which is what a parent try's to protect you from. That child nearly died from being hit by the car,and it all could have been avoided with a little smack.(not metion that the person driving the car will never be the same again).

Try explaining death to a child under 5. Its not easy!

Now that is only one small part of the argument, but compaired to death or a smack,choose a smack,not a beating.

Look,seriously. If you are not prepared to discipline, train or teach everything to a child,then don't have children,because a child only knows what you teach it and what they see and they need to know both the goods and the bads,the rights and the wrongs.

A doctor told me once,
A.D.D = Adults Didn't Discipline
A.D.H.D. = Adults Didn't Have Discipline and so on and so on.

So from a my business point of view,Don't smack your kids cause i need to sell them legal drugs and make money from my chemist.[(sarcasm).in case you didn't know]

My computer beats me at chess,but not at boxing!

yeah, but nowadays "go to your room" is not a punishment, its more like forced pleasure, mainly because us kids are all reallly spoilt these days, plus some of us fap........yeah, i said it in rapid discussion...

anyway, we are too spoilt, and the only way i see that kids like me will actually give a shit about what their parents want is by force, but since there are so many laws, it would have to be smaking, and now the goverment have banned smaking in britain, the only punishment my parents can give me is a "strong talking to"..... which doesn't change how i view what i have done wrong....

So im going to grow up not giving a shit about all the bad things i have done...
Something about busses:D
I never had children, I was never spanked...Just been beaten around a little...

I was slapped once in my sleep...ROFL...That was baddest morning ever
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.