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[Event] Mystery of the old stone tablets

Dear Toribash folks, this is the event sponsored by newly formed clan [Liquid]. As a representative of that clan I must ask you for one favor!

During the great flood that destroyed our former island called Flow, we lost the remaining ancient documents in which our clan story was written.
Only thing that is left are pairs of six stone tablets written with oldToribash runes that no one alive can read.
We hired professor from
the league of elders, but he disappeared few days ago!

Now we must ask for help from the fellow Toribashians to try to
decipher runes from these tablets and transcribe story that is
written on them...

Here are the tablets:

First pair of Tablets

Second pair of Tablets

Third pair of Tablets

We also found this notebook that old professor left behind him. Maybe it will help you to
solve this mystery and discover the secret behind these strange carvings!

Professor's Notebook

Translate and write the correct story that is on these stone tablets and we will reward you with 15 K TC! Good luck!

Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
hahaha i am on translating tablets mwhaha
this isnt fair
if text on tablets goes in direction like this post why it looks like this
i coded that you are using old letters of my country so i know what letter is what
and it looks like that
there is two options:
-you mixed letters
-you dont want somebody win 15k

hmmmm lemme guess ur country is it ummmm.....croatia?
wow ur smart you should be a detective or something im serious
Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
lol i just know this is glagoljica
but the words on tablets are like bdgehdhheksjuajsiwujsndshbr

Maybe you where expecting ''cool, Bojan will give me obvious clue how to translate glagoljica to regular alphabet, and then I just replace letters and all done!''

No way. Then I wouldn't put a 15 K price on it, but 500 TC.
Something unrelated to the above post:

Iz HR? Da nisi iz Dalmacije?
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Feb 16, 2013 at 04:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
1. Has a grim age
2. New clan
3. For many seas on sit was good
4. He teaching
5. (Des)stroyed
6. To liquid to spruce new tree
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!
Jesus, you are close. Not quite the whole translation and not quite correct, but you are close, I can tell you that. :>
1. Has a grim age
2. New clan
3. For many seas once it was good
4. He teaching
5. (Des)stroyed
6. To liquid to spruce new tree

1. Has a grim age
2. New clan
3. For many seas it once was good
4. He teaching
5. (Des)stroyed
6. To liquid to spruce new tree

Take both c:
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!
You got some of it, but it's not whole. It's just parts, and some are missing, but you did found excerpts. You are on the verge to uncover it.
1. And death has a grim age
2. Formed a new clan
3. Nice things flown there and for many seas it once was good
4. And forgot he teaching
5. Flow was destroyed
6. Only one seed left it fell in to liquid to spruce new tree

I think I got it. Is this correct?


1. And death has a grim age
2. Formed a new clan
3. Nice things flown there and for many seas it once was good
4. And forgot his teaching
5. Flow was destroyed
6. Only one seed left it fell in to liquid to spruce new tree


1. And death has a grim age
2. Formed a new clan
3. Nice things flown there and for many seas it once was good
4. And forgot he was teaching
5. Flow was destroyed
6. Only one seed left it fell in to liquid to spruce new tree


1. And death has a grim age
2. Formed a new clan
3. Nice things flown there and for many seas it once was good
4. And forgot his teachings
5. Flow was destroyed
6. Only one seed left it fell in to liquid to spruce new tree
Last edited by Decashine; Feb 16, 2013 at 09:08 PM.
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!