When people clap then fall over on you, and it works -.-
Also, when people /spec when you're about to win, then rejoin right after (especially annoying if there are only two players).
I don't kill flies, but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!'
When people fuke or reset a game after you just got a decap


When you're #1 in queue in a bet server and there are like 12 fukes in a row(Amusin, TPK, Detacher, Mwah)
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
What grinds your Toribash gears?
1) When I missclick

2) When I ping right after parkour and I can't save replay

3) When you are in a betting server and everyone keeps buying their way ahead of you and you wait literally 45 minutes to get in 1st queue then you ping.
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
What grinds your Toribash gears?
Originally Posted by Foxire View Post
When people lose and say "missclick"


I totally agree... #Excuses

Omg! #1 worst thing ever: When you join some dudes server and he kicks you after you beat him! Damn I hate that...
Last edited by BeanSprout; Mar 4, 2015 at 03:08 AM.
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
#1 Cat
#2 Ryan
#3 when people beat me and think they are god tier immediately after
#4 cat
#5 when people cnc with "i dont like this i dont like that i don't like anything in this" because that's constructive and usefull.
#6 missclicks are real things and I do it sometimes :/
#7 when people don't dm when your fucking foot is in their chest.

and thats my top 8 of fuck tb
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
when abd is considered competitive

its not lol

also gynx he really grinds my toribash gears

also clans that don't meet the basic requirements in their dsc, and i tell them to read the rules & guidelines thread, and they still PM me asking what to do