Re: Statue shop
Originally Posted by HypnoWolf
u woulda put a watermark from the beginning if u were smart.

Originally Posted by HypnoWolf
(And btw the gif trophies zeroth and quanto make seem a bit better cause they move. But yours has that wow factor of colour[yes i'm english lol] and they cant pov ray their spinning things to make them shiny)

they could it would just take REALLY long
Re: Statue shop
To make the spinning trophies do u take multiple screenchots or a video. (Sorry if this is off topic)
Culapou for gamekeeper!
Re: Statue shop
Pov-ray animation with frame-by-frame is hard. I could do that but I would have to charge 300-500 credits depending on how much work it requires.
Re: Statue shop
i guess thats's true but then people might as well do it themself for that price
Culapou for gamekeeper!
Re: Statue shop
Well, I guess. I'll just offer animations as part of the deal. If I have to do something extremely difficult, it'll be 300 credits. Hopefully that will increace business.
Re: Statue shop
can u pls give us an example of the animations u mean? :P
Culapou for gamekeeper!